Chapter 2 - Taken

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Chapter Two – Taken

20th Dec 5:15 AM


I stepped out of the door and got into the elevator, holding the door open for Liz.

“So what did you get up to when you left?” Liz asked, trying to start up a conversation.

I couldn’t tell her what really happened, but I didn’t want to lie to her completely. I decided to tell her only a fragment of the truth.

“Would you like the short version or the long version?” I asked her.

 “Give me the short version,” she responded, “After that I’ll decide whether I want the long version.”

“Ok”, I said. “In a nutshell: I almost got hit by a car, ran for my life from Courtney and saved the world from a giant robot T-rex.”

“So a pretty slow day?” Liz smiled as we walked through the lobby. “Now I want the long version.”

I started with my race with the elevator down the stairs, and then continued with the car. In my version I jumped to the sidewalk, not into the side of a building. I even told her about Millie and how concerned she was.

“Kids are sweet,” Liz said, smiling fondly as we got into the car, “Not enough adults are like that anymore. That’s why I’m trading you in for a younger model as soon as you turn eighteen.”

“Oh you’re hilarious,” I said, layering my words heavily with sarcasm. “Do you mind if I continue my story?”

“I’ll allow it,” she said, “Proceed.”

I continued on with my tale describing how I hid in the coffee house from Courtney, and of Chris’s betrayal.

“Wait,” Liz cut in, “Bat-crap nuts stalker Courtney?”

“Yeah that one,” I replied, “Absolute nightmare.”

“Go ahead” she said. After that I described my escape and subsequent trek back to the apartment, I left out the men with guns. I then launched into the awesome battle I had with Robo-Godzilla on the way. 

“Sounds amazing” she said mockingly, faking awe at my incredible feat of courage.

“It really was”, I said with a completely straight face. “If you look out to your left you could probably see some of the destruction caused by our battle.” 

She struggled not to smile, “As much as I would love to I need to keep my eyes on the road while I’m driving, take notes on this.”

“One sec,” I said while rummaging through the compartment in front of me. Pulling out a small notepad and pen Liz kept there I started furiously writing notes. “Keep… eyes… on… road… while… driving” I read aloud as I wrote. “Got it! Any more pearls of wisdom you want to drop on me before you fly out?"

“Yes as a matter of fact I do.” She took one hand off the wheel and started to count them off. “Don’t eat yellow snow, don’t do drugs, don’t smoke, don’t use your phone while driving.” She looked a little confused, staring at the one finger in her hand that was still up. “I’m sure I had another one.” She mumbled as she tried to remember.

“Let me guess” I cut in, interrupting her train of thought, “Keep both hands on the wheel?”

Her face lit up, “oh yeah, that was it!” she seemed to notice her hand for the first time. She quickly placed it back, looking a little sheepish. “And remember, ten and two.” She added as an afterthought.

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