Welcome to the Black Parade

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The float began to inch forward, the horde of marchers following. Trying as best I could to blend in, I pushed myself through the crowd to find a place to walk with the others. Ah, yes. They mentioned Mama, I'll go walk with her.

I galloped through the moving throng, then ending up just behind Mama.

"Excuse me, Mama, I don't-" I tried to state.

"Her name is Mother War, when marching in the parade." Snapped the woman to her right.

"When not marching in the parade, only them may she be referred to as Mama." Hissed the woman to her left in a similar tone.

"Now march, little girl!" They growled in unision.

I hung my head low, to their orders. This gave me the ability to look down at myself in a nearby puddle.

My thick hair was held back in a tight bun, a white ribbon holding it in place. Just below, on my right cheek, was a mark in some form of paint, mud, blood, or something. It was eight lines connected to each other by a center dot, forming a circle with their edges. I touched my cheek, smudging the mark.

A moment after, I felt a tap on my left shoulder.

It's a girl, around my age, wearing similar gear as I am.

"Excuse me, She, you seem awfully stressed. Is there any way I can offer you any help?" Her gray eyes sparkled as she waited for me reply.

"Oh y-yes. Thank you," I smiled, trying to walk at a steady pace at the same time. "Do you know what is happening, and why it's happening? I've been so lost this whole time."

The girl nodded. "Well to start with the basics, my name's Paxton. I mean, that's not my real name. I can't remember my real name, but they call me Paxton for Hell knows why. But yes call me Paxton, or Pax. Either works, but yes, back to our scene, here.

"You see many years ago, you and I, and everybody else here, were attendees at the annual Parade of Life. It was something the city used to do. Not anymore.

"They stopped the event the year we attended, as something tragic had happened. Now, She, you may have been too young to remember, but everyone on that float, Bass, Bones, Ray, 'Gee', and Stickz, were killed soon after everyone had left.

"The float had exploded. Everyone and everything on the float was burned, scorched in remorse.

"And you're here, I'm here, everyone else is here. And how so? Well, many people do not believe this, however it is true, but death somes for you in your fondest memory. Your fondest memory, our fondest memory, was the Parade of Life. Now, being the bringer of death for so many of us, we have renamed it The Black Parade, but that's not the point.

"Soon, in years to come, no one will be alive to remember the parade. So until then we keep marching. But when that day does come, well I don't know what's gonna happen. Maybe our memory will disappear, us with it. Or maybe we'll just keep living among the dead. I dunno. But just follow the leading five's orders, especially Gee's, and you'll do just fine down here. Okay?"

This was all too much to take in at once. I felt like I was going to pass out, but I knew I couldnt. Too many people behind me, too many people to be trampled by.

"We'll carry on..." Gee stamped his foot, rattling the float a bit, signaling his followers to stop. "Now what's your name, thick soul in an empty shell?"

The in front of him shivered. "Poet."

"Ah yes, Poet. Grand name. Hop aboard, Poet." I heard him say, stretching out his hand to pull Poet up, as he did to me. "Now, Poet, how did you arrive here?"

Poet's eyes sank down to the floor. "I was watching a child for my friend, her name was Bandit Way, I believe. The house caught fire, she was killed, soon after, I was too."

Gee clenched his jaw, his eyes transforming from a sense of interest to sorrow to remorse to hate. "Hop... aboard..." Gee instructed, violently clenching his teeth.

Welcome to the Black ParadeWhere stories live. Discover now