The End.

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So, this is the end.

I mean, it's sort of the beginning, but not for me.

Its the beginning for others, for children just now being born, but while they're being given life, mine is being taken.

But y'know. It's not necessarily a bad thing.

I mean, might as well end the suffering naturally before I end up doing it myself.

So I guess, Cancer is kind of a, a gift.

Does the work for me, gives me less work.

So, watching the black and white screen in front of me flicker on and off, well, it isn't that bad, really.

This'll be last memory, and an enjoyable one, at that.

The gray program kind of reminds me of my childhood, the little parade that marched down the streets. It was fun, probably one of my first memories- and it'll be my last.

Nice way to go, eh?

My eyes are beginning to close- and open- and close- and open, like I'm fighting in a battle against sleep.

I always had thought of unconsiousness as more of a curse than a blessing, I'd always preferred to pull all nighters, rather than fall asleep right away.

The night was always so interesting, staying awake in the black void that only few choose to experience was always something I enjoyed.

But this, this isn't morning against shut-eye; this is life and death.

I shook my head, squeezing my eyes tight for a few seconds, then releasing them from the black nothingness to focus back on the screen.

A man with short white hair stared off into the distance. He had a look in his eyes, was it fear, regret, or was it just war.

Whatever was screaming in the back of his eyes, it sure was terrifying.

I shut my eyes, and hazily re-opened them once more, this time focusing on the three nurses standing in front of me.

They all looked... exactly the same. And one of them was grasping both of her hands on mine- I hadn't even noticed.

One of the nurses smirked, and I could feel the area around my eyes growing sore.

With as much strength as I had in me, I moved my head to the left, facing the cracked, round mirror sitting on my bedside table. My eyes. They're surrounded by void. Pure onyx covered at least an inch worth of skin in diameter around my eyes.

I could feel the sore feeling spreading to other parts of my face. Scrunching my nose and shaking my head seemed to push the pain away.

The doctor standing in the corner smirked, and the nurses did the same.

I lifted my hand up to the ceiling, wincing at the sore feeling that flickered through my face once more.

'Goodbye.' The doctor mouthed, before falling to the ground, once again, the nurses following. They covered their ears as the walls to my room bursted and fell to the earth.

What's going on? This is complete and utter chaos I-


Am I,

Am I dead?

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