Chapter 2: save me

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Tyler's P.O.V

I knocked again, waiting for an answer. Why had I laughed? He looked so hurt afterwards. It nearly killed me. I knew he liked me and i wanted knothing more than to grab him, to feel his lips against mine, but I couldn't. I was so screwed up and he was so young. It wasn't fair to put Troye through that. "Troye?" I asked, trying the door handle again even though I knew it was locked. "Please open the door."

"I'm fine Tyler, I'm just not feeling very well." His voice was so weak and it sounded like he'd been crying. I lent my head against the door and struggled to hold in my desperation.

Letting out a long, shaky breath, I said "Tell me if i can do anything for you." I knew I should walk away, i could tell he sitting there, waiting to here me leave, but i couldn't do it. I didn't want to leave him. I wanted to break down the door and make sure he was ok and then tell him I loved him, but i couln't. Slowly, i forced my legs to move away from the door and from Troye. I took slow, deep breaths, trying to calm myself down before seeing Mamrie and Grace. They couldn't know I felt like this, No one could.

Troye's P.O.V

Finally I could hear his footsteps move away from the door. I let out the breath I had been holding and feel tears prick my eyes again. What if he had found out? He already thought of me as just a friends, seeing me like this on the floor and covered in blood would ruin any chance I had. He would never love me. I wiped my eyes and looked around the room. The white tiles and the sink were covered in blood and so was one of the white towels. I ran the towel under cool water and used it to wipe down any surface I had touched. Then I ranit under water again until it was as clean as I could get it. I was about to leave when I remebered the blades. They still scattered the sink and one of them was covered in blood. I quickly gathered them in the palm of my hand and looked around for somewhere to put them. I shoved them in the empty toiletrie bag i had from the flight and was about to leave when something stopped me. I reached back into the bag and pulled the sharpest one out. I felt it's cool steel and knew I would need it again. Pulling down my sleeves, I opened the door and, after one final check of the bathroom, walked back to the living room, tucking the blade into my pocket.

Tyler's P.O.V

Troye left about half an hour ago and I still hadn't moved. He had the letter. When he had walked out he had been pale. I forgot about everything and rushed over to him. He had brushed it off and picked up the box of letters. It wasn't until after he left I realised he had taken it with him. What if he saw it and realised how I felt? Months of pushing him away, of pretending i didn't care, of hooking up with the creep Kyle would be for nothing. That couldn't happen because if it did then I would have to tell him why and he would hate me. Suddenly my phone beeped, pulling me out of my thoughts. I reached over and looked at the text. Fuck, it was time again. I never got a break. Standing up, I walked to my room, stood in front of the mirror and began to run my hands through my hair. My entire body started shaking. I didn't want to do this. I was so scared. It was going to happen again and I didn't know how to stop it. I took deep breaths and tried to stop shaking as the message ran through my mind.

Burma Baby xoxo tonights gonna be fun!

He was going to hurt me. The bruises were still there from last time! Fear filled my heart as hot tears ran down my cheeks. Some body save me. Please.

Troye's P.O.V

I walked down the street towards the main road, where I knew there would be Taxi's. I had to get home before Tyler could see my arms. Small dots of blood had begun to leak through my navy blue jumper and it couldn't be long before the sleeves were soaked. I hailed a cab and gave it the address of my hotel room. As I sat in the car I looked down at the box of letters. The purple one Tyler had laughed at sat on the top, crinkled from my attempt to hide it from view. I reached out, planning on throwing it out the window, not wanting to see any proof that Tyler hated me when I saw something in the bottom right corner. There was a small red heart that had not been there before. It was just under a Troyler drawing and under the heart there was a tiny T. Had Tyler done this? Did he want me to see it? Maybe he had been lying. What if he actually did care for me? I shook these thoughts away. There's no way that's true. Tyler's a kind person and he wouldn't tease me like that. I'm too disgusting for him to even joke about, I added, looking down at myself. The blood was even more visible now. I began to panic as the taxi pulled up outside the hotel and herd of mad fans swamped it. There was no way I could hide my cuts now. They would all see them and they would pity me. No. I wouldn't let that happen. I pulled my sleeves down further and was reaching over to pay for the ride when I saw the driver's jacket on the next seat.

"I will give you an extra $50 for this jacket." He agreed and I pushed the money towards him as i shrugged on the grey jacket. I made my way into the hotel, clutching the box with the letters close to my chest. As soon as i was in the hotel I ran to the lift and pressed the up button. I had to get to my room before anyone saw me. They might notice the blood. Final the left came and silver doors opened. I jumped inside and pressed the button for my floor. "Please," i whispered. "Please!"

The doors were closing and i could feel my heart beat begin to slow when a high pitched voice called out "Troye!" Oh god, it was Zoe.

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