Tyler's secret

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Tyler's P.O.V

His heavy footsteps shook the ground as he made his way towards the kitchen. Of course he was going to make me wait. I swore under my breath as the cold began to hurt. Why couldn't he hurry up? I just want this to end. Eventually i heared his steps move towards the room i was in. Suddenly i wished he had taken his time. This was going to hurt. 

The wooden door swung open and i saw the outline of his body against the light streaming in from the hallway. His feet made no sound on the carpet as he made his way over to the light and turned it on. His cruel face was suddenly visible and a tremor of fear ran down my spine. He was still beautiful. It was what had made me want to know him in the first place. He had ink black hair  which fell in tousles around his face. His peircing blue eyes searched my body greedily, taking in every last detail. His full lips curled into a smirk as his hands moved to shirt and quickly ripped it off. He abs were perfect but i couldn't look. I closed my eyes as he took off the rest of his clothes. "Hey," he said. "Look." I raised my eyes and took in all that was before me. His skin was tanned and smooth and his muscles were perfectly tonned. I forced my eyes to where his favourite body part was. It hung long and thick between his legs. 

"Grab it." He commanded. I looked up at him. When we had first started i had pleaded with him but now i knew better. He didn't want a person, he just wanted a toy. I steadied my shaking hand as i reached out and grasped him with my hand. "Suck it." I looked up into his cold eyes, my entire body rejecting the idea of pleasuring this creep. Why me? What did i ever do? I was about to let go when there was a large crack and pain spread across my face. He had hit me. "Don't hesitate, don't say no. Enjoy this or I will hurt you." I couldn't see him but his menacing words were enough to get me moving. My eyes filled with tears as i leaned forward and began to suck.

The rest of the was pretty much the same. He ordered me to do things and when i refused he hurt me. When it got to the point that he actually wanted to have sex with me I hesitated and before i knew it he was beating me. He kicked my repeatedly in the stomach and, as i laid in pain and confusion, he picked my up by my hair and roughly entered me. I don't know how long I was there for. Eventually he kissed my cheek, told me he loved me and left. I just curled into a ball. No one could love me, not even him.

Troye's P.O.V

The doors beeped and opened just as Zoe's hand closed around mine. "Sorry Zoe, got to go." I shouted as I darted out of the elevator. 

"Wait!" I heard her call but I couldn't stop. I ran up the hall and my heart didn't stop racing until I was behind the closed and locked door of my room. She had seen, she knew! How was I going to explain this? I set the box down and went to the kitchen. There, in the cupboard, was an almost full bottle of vodka. Tyler had bought it for me ages ago and I had never wanted to drink it because it reminded me of him but now was no time to be romantic. Tyler had no feelings for me, that drawing had meant nothing. Zoe had seen my cuts and was probably disgusted by me. She was going to tell Alfie who would tell Casper and Joe and Jim. I gasped as I realised it wouldn't be long before Tyler knew. Tyler, my dear sweet Tyler, would hate me even more. I was disgusting. I grasped the bottle and twisted off the cap. I just wanted to forget them all and myself. And with that thought i raised the bottle to my lips and began to drink.

Hey guys, hope you liked that chapter. I didn't go into to much detail about Tyler just because it was quite violent and full on. I ca go into detail more if you want but I was thinking of saving that for Troye ;)

Let me know if you have any ideas xx

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