Chapter 5: empty

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Troye's P.O.V

Alcohol is really weird. It burns and makes you feel so good when you're drinking it but it always leaves you feeling empty. I'm half way through the bottle of vodka and it's only taken me 40 minutes. I can't even move, whenever I try to stand I fall again. I'm trying to keep my mind clear because the last time I thought of Tyler I did 6 shots in a minute and I don't want to waste the liquer.

Zoe's sent me a bunch of texts. I read the first few but now I can barely hold my phone let alone read what she said.

She just keeps asking to talk to me, she hasn't actually mentioned the cuts yet but I assume she told Alfie already. Why wouldn't she? He would have told Marcus, who told Casper and then... I can't even think his name. I take a few more swigs from the bottle. And then just a bit more, what does it matter anyway? Tyler doesn't care, might as well finish the damn thing.

*bring bring*

Ah fuck. I roll my body to the left and loll my head off the side of the bed to look at my phone. It's Tyler. My fuzzy mind is almost brought to clarity from the photo on his contact. I have to talk to him. With shocking coordination, my hand shoots out and scoops up the phone. I know I shouldn't do this. He doesn't like me in that way! But my new found vodka courage makes me think maybe I can change his mind. I just want to hear his voice. I take some big sips of vodka to prepare myself, take a small breath and answer the phone.


"Troye! Thank god I need to talk to you!"

" big's your dick?"

I can hear how slurred my speech is but I don't care, I'm going to turn him on so much he has to love me.

"What? Troye are you drunk?? Look I need help, I think I'm in trouble... Please just listen. I know you saw the letter and I will explain that but for now I need your help."

Tyler's in trouble, he needs me! Of course I'll help, I want to say. I would do anything for you. But I can't get the words out. There's something caught in my throat. It's not a lump of emotion or my heart or something poetic like that, there is a physical thing in my throat. I gasp and sputter and struggle to take a breath.

"Troye, are you ok?"

It's running into my mouth and now I can taste it I know what it is, it's vomit. I've thrown up and I can't get it out of my throat. I try breathing through my mouth but I can feel it being drawn into my lungs. I gag even more, struggling just to take a breath.

"Troye! What's happening? how much did you drink?!"

Not much, I want to say. I love you, I want to tell him. But my words are lost in the vile mixture in my throat. I can't breath now, my lungs are beginning to sear with pain and my thoughts are becoming scrambled. I need to empty my throat but I can't move.

I wretch and cough but it isn't enough. I collapse on the bed, Tyler screaming into the phone and the now empty bottle of vodka falls to the floor.

Tyler's P.O.V

There's no sound now. Dead silence. My hands are shaking, what the fuck do I do? I'm still sitting on the bed, if I try to go to him now I'll be too late. I'm not even sure what's wrong but it sounded like he was choking and after drinking as much as he clearly had I doubt he can save himself. I hang up the phone, even though every fiber of my being hates myself for leaving him alone, and call Zoe.

"Hey Tyler, look I need to talk to you about something.."

"Zoe, listen to me, Troye's in trouble. Life or death trouble. Take Alfie and Marcus and go to his room now!"

"Tyler, wait what? I don't understa-"


I hear her scream at the guys and race off down the hall. They're all banging on the door and I guess they break it down because there's a huge crash and then silence.

"Zoe, talk to me!"

I'm almost crying now. I can hear her taking shaky breaths into the phone and noises in the background.


"S-sorry. It's ok, we got there in time."

"What do you mean, what happened?!"

"Troye, um, he drank a bottle of vodka and I guess he passed out of something. Alfie and Marcus cleared his air-ways. We're taking him to the hospital now."

"Ok, text me where, I'm on my way"

I hang up the phone and, though I meant what I said I can't move. The pain I felt when I thought I had lost Troye made everything 'he' had done to me feel like nothing. I got up to find Troye and realised I was still naked. I slowly dress, being careful of my new cuts and bruises and walk out the door.

2 hours later

Troye's had his stomach pumped, blood tests done and is now on an IV drip, passed out. None of us have moved or really spoken since arriving, we're all just waiting for the doctors to actually tell us if he is ok. Finally a doctor walks out into the waiting room.

"Troye Mellet" he says.
We rush over not sure what to expect.
"Who are you?"
"We're his friends," I say. "please just tell us how he is."
He sighs and begins an obviously rehearsed speech.
"Mr. Mellet is currently in a stable condition, we need to watch him tonight and he can be released tomorrow." We all sigh in relief but it's not over yet. "Mr. Mellet consumed an incredibly dangerous amount of alcohol and that, paired with his anti-depressants can be enough to cause fatality. We have to consider the idea that this was attempted suicide, from the state of his arms it's a big possibility."
"Wait a minute just stop." it's to much information all at once, I can't make sense of it all.
"Anti-depressants?" Marcus asks.
"Suicide" Alfie mumbles.
"I knew something was wrong" Zoe whispers.
i look at this doctor and suddenly feel waves of anger. He's wrong, Troye is ok, he's happy and healthy, this was just a mistake. There is no way that Troye was going through all of this and none of us noticed... and I didn't notice.
"Let me get this straight. Troye is on antidepressants, this was actually a possible suicide attempt and he has been cutting his arms? Is that an accurate summary?"
How the hell did I let this happen?

"Tyler, are you ok?" I don't even know who asked it, my head is pounding, my mind is racing and my heart is empty.

Unbearable Love: a Tale of TroylerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant