Chapter 6: recovery

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Beep beep beep
Everything is groggy. My head feels like it weighs a ton and the dark is endless.
Beep beep beep
I can't move or open my eyes. I start to panic.. what's happening?! I focus all my energy into just opening one eye but I can't.
Beep beep beep
What it that sound? where the hell am i?
I hear some people come into what ever room I'm in. They start talking and I can hear them doing something but I don't know what. I try to focus on the words but my mind is a blur and no matter how hard I try I am still lost. Suddenly I feel movement and my arms sear in pain.
They're closer now and I can just make out what they're saying;
"He's not ready yet, prepare the IV and I'll prepare another dosage of morphin, another few hours and he'll be ok to wake up."
IV.. wait what?!
I want to shout and tell the to stop but the morphine starts and I fade out...

Tyler's P.O.V

We spoke to the doctors. He'll wake up in a few hours which is good and we've been let in to see him. They also recommended admitting him into a rehabilitation centre. They said that the amount of cuts despite the anti depressants was extremely alarming and, with the right consent, they could admit him against his will. My initial response was no, no way you are putting my Troye in rehab but i've been watching him breath in and out and he just looks so fragile. His arms are red wear the blood has seeped through the bandages and I can't help but think maybe it would be for the best. He would hate us for saying yes and would feel so betrayed but I would rather him never talk to me again than die.
I pull out my phone and dial Sage's number.
"Hey Sage, how's it going?" The hospital was nice enough to call them after he was admitted, sparing us the effort of doing it so this is the first time I've spoken to them since it happened.
"Tyler we're at the airport but our plane was delayed again. We should be there tomorrow night though."
"Ok.. hey can you put your dad on please?"
"Oh sure."
She goes to find her dad and I try to mentally prepare myself.
"Tyler what's going on, is Troye ok?"
"Hey mr. Mellet, there's no change yet but they say he'll wake up in the next hour or so."
"Oh thank god."
"Yeah..." I take a deep breath. "look the doctors also suggested putting Troye into a rehabilitation centre. Just for a week or so to try and work this all out. He would never say yes though and you know that so they said that, with your permission, they can do it without his consent. If you believe it's in his best interest then it's and option."
There is nothing but silence on the other end and for I second I think the call dropped out and i'll have to repeat all of that but then I hear soft sobs coming from the phone. Troye's dad is crying.
"Mr. Mellet?"
"Sorry, I'm sorry Tyler it's just.. you can't imagine how it feels to have to consider this. To hurt your child in order to save them."
..."Is that a yes?"
He sighs.
"Yes, they have my consent to admit him."
I pass the phone onto the doctor so they can work out all the necessary paper work and go out to tell the others.
I walk out of Troye's room, expecting just Zoe, Alfie and Marcus and am greeted by a sea of youtubers. There's Capser, Joe, Louise, Jim, Tanya and Connor. I immediately start to tear up, partly because of extreme fatigue but mostly because I can't help but be amazed at these beautiful people. They must have been waiting for hours. They all come over and hug me as I try to hold back my tears, eventually I'm able to tell them what's going on.
"So that's it... they're admitting him when he wakes up."
They're all silent, trying to process.
"But that's not right, he'll hate it!" Connor says, his face awash of concern.
"I know and he'll hate me for telling his parents but they think it will help and honestly so do I."
Zoe opens her mouth, about to contest when the doctor walks out, a face of stone.
We all look at him expectantly.
"He'a awake," the doctor says before looking at me. "He's asking for you."

Authors note:
Hey everyone so... I've started a YouTube chanel. please go and check it out, it's taken me ages to be brave enough to make a video but I really think it could be the start of something amazing for me xxx
I'll post the link on my page and also on the next chapter :)

I've also started a tumble so feel free to follow me because I have another fanfiction on that about Troyler and one about Phan :)


Have a nice day x

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