02- c l o s e r t h a n e v e r

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Warning: mentions of sex (no actual smut, though), and some foul language.

Rosario, Argentina- 15 years old

Claudia had been trying to get Jade to talk to her all of the class period, and when she got in trouble for interrupting– again–, she resorted to passing her notes across the aisle. Jade never read them, only crumpled them up and threw them back where they came from, annoyed with the presence and persistence of this girl.

Finally, after a few notes to the head and whisper yells of her name, Jade snaps. Turning to face Claudia, she grits her teeth and nods to her notebook where she was currently making another note,

"If you throw one more piece of paper in my direction, I am going to punch you in the face." She growled. Maybe it was a bit harsh and over the top, but she was on edge without Lionel and this annoying girl couldn't take a hint.

Claudia immediately stopped what she was doing and packed it up, focusing her attention back on the board for the last 5 minutes of class. Her scared expression told Jade that she definitely believed her and Jade turned back to her own desk, continuing her useless doodling.

As soon as the bell rang, Claudia had raced out of the door, eager to get away from the girl that had just threatened her safety. Jade rushed to pack up herself so that she would finally have a few minutes to talk with Leo, but as soon as she exited the room, there was no trace that he was even there in the first place.

"Fuck." She muttered to herself, walking, slowly but surely, to her next class without him.

Throughout the whole day, she had been getting a lot more offers from different students and to each one, she said he'd think about it. After about the third one, she was lying about that. She didn't even have to blink to know that these weren't the kind of people she wanted to hang around with. The only person she did want to be around was Leo.

After school, she went out to the front doors to wait for Leo, but after 5 minutes she knew he wasn't coming at all. She sighed, blowing her hair out of her face and continued the journey to her apartment.

The walk was long without someone to talk to and for the first time, she felt an ache in her legs she hadn't ever experienced after walking home. On her way to her house, she passed by Leo's and she stopped for a second, debating on whether or not she should go ask to talk to him or just go home.

Deciding on the latter, she hung her head and continued walking before she reached her home. She called out to her mom, but she didn't answer and Jade assumed she had gone to go pick up Alonso and Martín from school. They both went to a cheap private school to have a better learning experience, which was about half an hour away.

As she opened her room door, not looking up to see the person she so desperately wanted to see today, she almost screamed upon locking eyes with him. A bit of deja vú coursed through her before she realized where she was and she quickly put on a face of anger.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She gritted, trying her best to keep her cool.

"Look, I'm sorry about today, but I have a perfectly reasonable explanation for it all," he raised his hands in a defensive position as she kept glaring.

"You have two minutes to tell me exactly why you did what you did today or I'm going to kick you out. Go," she snapped and closed her mouth to let him have his chance to speak.

"I know how you said it wasn't my fault that people don't like you but I wanted to see what would happen if I were to leave you alone for the day. I don't want you to be bullied anymore because of me. I just want you to be happy and you don't seem happy about the fact that you get bullied every single day just for being my friend. People actually came up to you and talked to you to try and be your friend, Jade!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. Jade's face softened before hardening again as she spoke,

"I get that you just wanted to help, but it's not your decision to choose who I hang out with. Sure, I'm not happy about people bullying me but I'm even more upset about you ignoring me. I don't want to be friends with some nasty, fake people, I want to be friends with you and if I have to endure hell for that, I will." She didn't notice that she was getting closer to him until she felt herself step on his toe. His mouth spread into a wide smile as she removed her foot from his, still standing just as close to him as before.

"I'm sorry," Leo whispered before flicking his gaze down to her lips. Jade did the same and without her even noticing, they both leaned in closer until their lips were connected and a fire spread throughout her body.

The kiss was simple, but left them both breathing heavily as they separated. Leo's eyes were raking all over her face for any sign to tell him that was wrong, but he found none except for the blush on her face.

He leaned in again and this time, their kiss was fierce and needy, as if they had been apart for years and just now got to see each other again. Their lips were moving in sync and hands were all over the place— waist, neck, hair, arms, etc.

Without thinking, Leo took his hands and tugged on the hemline of Jade's shirt, Eventually pulling away from each other long enough to pull it off and his followed soon after.

Lionel laid her back on the bed and looked into her eyes,

"Are you sure about this?" He asked her, allowing a chance to turn back.

"I'm sure, Leo. I want you to be my first. I want to be your first." She breathed and as soon as she finished, he was back to her lips, attacking them like before, until he pulled away once more,

"I love you, Jade." He whispered before returning his lips to hers.

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