07- b r e a k f a s t d i n e r ?

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A/N: just a warning, this chapter is also very sucky and it's really just a filler. I have also learned that I can't keep up with anything, so that's a thing. Enjoy reading, hopefully!

Barcelona, Spain- 17 years old

The day after, Jade had called Leo, like he said to do. They ended up talking for hours, catching up on everything they could before one of them fell asleep(which ended up being Jade). They almost wouldn't have anything to talk about when they met up.

Though, the real reason they had called each other was to set up a meeting, and at the beginning(before it started branching off into other things) that's what they did.

"So when are you free to go out?" Leo had asked in a small voice. He didn't want it sounding like they were going on a date, even though that's what he wished it was.

"Pretty much all of the time now since I graduated, but I do have something going on Friday." She had responded coolly, trying not to get over-excited.

"Ok. How about we go to a breakfast diner Saturday morning?" It seemed like a good idea and Jade had always complained to him that she wanted breakfast dates to be a thing. But it's not a date, he had to tell himself.

"That sounds great! What time?"

"I'll be at your house to pick you up at 10:00, so be ready." He said, and then they had started asking questions and answering them, causing an almost three hour long phone call.

It was bugging Jade that she had to wait four days see him again, but she could bear it with the texts and short calls Lionel had sent her way. She went to bed the night before— not without a goodnight text, of course— feeling anxious and not quite knowing what to do with her anticipation, but eventually, she did sleep.

The next morning, when she woke up, she immediately checked her phone and saw a good morning text from her person of interest. As she dragged herself to her closet to pick out her clothes, she realized she had no idea what people wore for breakfast dates. But it's not a date, she thought, scolding herself.

So she pulled up Kila's contact and dialed her number, waiting for a few rings before she finally picked up. Kila knew about what was going on today, as Jade had filled her in on everything— against Jade's protests— after the call.

When Kila answered in her groggy morning voice, Jade immediately blurted her problem through the phone,

"I have no idea what people wear to breakfast dates." She spoke quickly.

"Just wear some jeans and a nicer shirt." Kila groaned and spoke, before hanging up. Jade imagined she was probably getting as much sleep as possible now that school has ended.

Jade flitted through most of her things before grabbing a pair of blue skinny jeans and a dressy white top that was tight around the chest area and flared out a bit near her stomach. Nodding that that was good enough, she made her way to the shower, washing up for a quick 5 minutes and getting out, replacing her towel with the clothes she had set out.

After drying her hair and tying it up into a bun, she brushed her teeth and slipped on some white converse, leaving her room to go wait in the living room. Since it was 15 minutes before 10:00, she had a few minutes to spare watching tv.

With her phone in her hand and keys in her pocket, she turned on whatever seemed interesting enough— which just so happened to be something on Cartoon Network— and laid back to relax a bit.

Jade was so immersed in the show that she barely noticed her phone buzz, receiving a text from Leo. He had said he was outside and would be coming up to come get her in her apartment and chill out for a bit before they left.

She replied with a quick ok and rushed over to turn the tv off before she heard a knock on the door.

"¿Quién es ese, mija?" She heard her mother ask from her room down the hall.

"Leo!" She answered her mom and opened the door to the face she had wanted to see for so long. Her smile was the widest it's ever been as she glanced over Leo a few more times than one.

"Hi." Was the only thing she could say after so long.

"Hey... Are you going to let me in or what?" He gestured to the space between the door and doorway where Jade was and chuckled.

"Oh! Sí." She had jerked and blushed, opening the door wider to provide Leo with a way to enter.

"Lionel Messi! I knew you'd be back here eventually." Her mother exclaimed as she exited her room and entered the living room. Leo laughed and went over to give Deanna a hug.

"So what happened? You've gotten so much bigger since I last saw you!" Deanna asked, pinching his cheeks, while Jade just stood, shaking her head.

"Sí. Mis padres had FC Barcelona pay for the treatments. I don't need them anymore, I just had my last one about 3 months ago." He nodded with an extremely proud smile that reminded Deanna of when he was a child.

"That's great! Well, I should let you guys go now, but don't let this be the last time I see you, Lionel!" She joked as she gave him another quick hug. Leo returned his attention to his best friend and smiled.

"You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." She nodded and locked their arms together jokingly as they padded out of the apartment and to the car in which they'd be using as transportation to get to the diner.

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