The Dragon And His Princess

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"PRINCESS!" I ran to her and pushed the debris out of the way without hesitation. I looked down at her frail, damaged body and felt my eyes water.

"Mr. Dragon.." she uttered. She tried to reach for me and I grabbed ahold of her hand.

"Pr-Princess.." I stuttered. She was covered in her own blood, it was a horrible sight.

"I'm sorry Princess, I'm so sorry!" I sobbed against her hand.

"Mr. Dragon..." she uttered again.

"Don't worry Princess! I'll get you help! you'll be okay!" I looked around us but nothing could be seen through the dust clouds surrounding us.

"Help! someone! help her please!" I shouted. I glanced back down to Princess and she could barely keep her eyes open, one was closed shut, covered in blood. I felt myself trembling.

"PLEASE SOMEONE HELP HER!" I yelled as loud as I could but no one came. I felt her other hand caress my wet cheek. I looked at her and saw her smiling.

"Mr. Dragon..I'll be...okay.." She spoke.


"Can you-" she started to cough and some blood leaked down her chin.

"Princess don't talk!" I wiped the blood away. She shook her head at me.

"Can you something...Mr. Dragon..?" She said weakly. I quickly nodded and she softly laughed.

"Good...Mr. Dragon..I have a feeling you're going to leave and never come back..."

"I'd never leave you!!"

"No, you will...but it's okay...I had a lot with you."


"I want you to...promise that you'll come back here..promise me that you'll..see me again..." she looked at me with her brown eyes and I nodded.

"I promise Princess! I definitely will come back for you! I promise!" I gripped onto both her hands and she used all the strength she had left to give me one of her brightest smiles.

" Drag....on.." Her last words were nothing but a weak whisper. She went limp and I felt everything inside me break.

"P-Princess...?" I stared at her face as all color faded from it. Her body started to get cold.

"No no no...Princess..." I lightly shook her body but she didn't wake up.

"PRINCESS!" I collapsed on top of her and balled my eyes out.

"I lost her. I lost her. I lost her. I lost her..." I muttered through my sobs. After a while, I wiped my tears away and sat up. I stared at her pale face. I took my scarf that was given to me by my dad off and slid it around her neck.

"I'll keep my promise Princess..." I placed my forehead against hers and then slowly stood up. I walked towards the forest and took one last glance at her.

"I'll come back, so you better be alive..."


"I-I" Lucy stuttered. She looked at me with tear filled eyes and hugged me.

"I kept my promise.." I whispered.

"Natsu!" Lucy kept sobbing into my neck.

"I love you Luce." she pulled out of the hug and gazed into my eyes.

"I love you too Natsu." she pushed her lips against mine and we shared a loving kiss. Our lips parted and we gasped for air.

"I love you so much Natsu.."


"By the way Natsu..." Lucy spoke. We were roaming the halls of the castle and Lucy stopped suddenly.

"Huh? what is it?" I asked. She smiled at me and held out her hand. I grasped her with my own.

"I wanna take you somewhere." she giggled and started to drag me down the halls. We stopped in front of the ballroom and Lucy pushed open the doors. I looked around and saw no one else.

"What did you bring me here for?" I asked.

"To keep my promise." she answered and dragged me into the center of the ballroom.

"You wanna dance with me? but I told you I don't know how." I said to her but she ignored my protest. She grabbed my hands and put them in position.

"We don't even have any music to dance to.." I told her. She just smiled at me.

"Of course we do." with that said, she started to hum a tune and our feet started to move along with it. We swayed back and forth, dancing along with the beat. I tried my best not to step on Lucy's feet, but I'm only a beginner. She helped me keep formation and I eventually got the hang of it.

"You are a natural Mr. Dragon." Lucy said with a wink. I smiled at her.

"With your help Princess, I could do anything." We danced across the whole dance floor, no one was there to be in our way. I lost track of time but we stopped when my feet started to hurt.


"That was really fun.." I said aloud. Lucy giggled as she walked out of the bathroom. She was wearing her pink night gown and also my scarf.

"You really sleep with that every night?" I asked. She hopped on the bed and leaned on my shoulder.

"Of course I do, Mr. Dragon gave me it. it's very important to me." she answered and gripped onto the scarf. I smiled at her response and wrapped my arm around her.

"I love you Lucy Heartfilia." It was quiet for a few seconds and I got kinda worried.


"Lucy Dragneel has a nice ring to it..." I blushed bright red and looked down at her. I couldn't see her face clearly because of her hair and tried to get a better glance. She quickly laid down and covered her face with her blanket.

"L-Luce? can you repeat th-that please?" I stuttered and tried to pull the blanket off.

"I don't know what you're talking about.." she mumbled. I yanked the blanket off her and got closer to her.

"I can make you Lucy Dragneel if that's what you want." I smiled at her and her face went to a deep red.

"So Princess? will you take this dragon as your husband?"

"Of course I will...I love you Mr. Dragon!"


Well how was that for the final chapter? pretty cute right? I hope you liked it.


I love you guys so much thanks for the support! if you haven't already, you can check out my other stories. Thanks and thanks again!!!! <3


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