He knows-6

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I sat in my last class and had been yawning. I looked at my black fingernails and had hummed to myself. The teacher called my up for a math problem and I started to wright it down biting my lip making it bleed.

'God I'm so hungry....' I kept thinking to myself. And kept writing soon finishing. As the bell rang I got my things as my stomach started to growl. I walked down the halls and felt an arm around my shoulder. I looked to the side and smiled.

"Hey.." It was coal.
"Hey..well how's it going?" He shrugged and made up stop right in the middle.
"How about I do something for you." I made a face and shook my head.
"What do you mean?" He shook his head and kisses my cheek disappearing in the crowd. I shook my head.

"Mercy! Over here please I need to talk to you again" it was Mr.Buck. I went to him and he got close to me.
"I know" I made a face.
"You know what?" He made a stern face and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I know what you are and where you come from" I made a face and furrowed my eyes.
"Let go of me or I will scream at the top of my lungs" I growled feeling my blood boil and he removed his hand and I stormed out of there. I called my aunt and said that I was gonna take a walk for a while before I get home.

Hours passed and it had gotten dark. My stomach growled worse and I stayed in an alley. A man soon had walked in and it seemed like he was bleeding.

My eyes went to him and I stood up. I slowly stood up and started to walk to him with my fangs elongated and I balled my hands into fist when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and made a face.

"Don't. I know you can hold onto the hunger" it was Mr.Buck. I made a face and my fangs went back in.
"How...why.." I realized what I was doing and he hugged me as the man started to go away. I dropped my head and I held my chest.

He got me home and told my aunt that I had a small accident. I had laid in my bed and about 10 empty blood packets on the bed. It seemed that I was on my..period and my hunger is a bit more when that happens. I turned on my bed and threw them all in the trash can sighing to myself and shaking my head.

"I'm so hungry..." I mumbled. I shook my head getting another one and finishing it.
"I hate my life..." I rolled around in my bed and sat up going to my window. To my surprise I saw Mr.Buck sitting in my tree. I opened it.

"What are you doing?!" He turned to me and sighed.
"You need to know something. " I growled.
"So you stalk me in my room!" He shook my head.
"No...I'm your uncle. From your fathers side"

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