Rejecting the Rejected

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Rejecting the Rejected

This is dedicated to mysterydude for making me this amazing cover!=)

Song to the right was somehow in a twisted way an inspiration for this story---->


Mates.The one word that could change your entire perspective.

No, not like a friend. Someone worth much more than a friend to the significant other.

For werewolves, it was a lifelong dream to meet your mate. The one who belonged to you. Your one and only.

You would be there for them. You would know their emotions, what they were feeling. The link between mates is eternal, meaning until death.

I had always dreamed that my mate would be handsome, charming and sweet. He would be there when I needed him, and would know how to cheer me up. He would treat me like a princess and be gentle and kind.

How wrong was I to think that?

He was handsome alright, charming was definitely one of his main qualities. He was considered the bad boy. All of the girls were attracted to him, and I can’t deny he was a definite eye candy. He was my eye candy. ‘Was’ being the key word.

Fate was a cruel hearted thing that would just stab you in the back when you weren’t looking. As if being a large hairy wolf wasn’t bad enough, the one the fates chose for me betrayed me beyond repair.

He didn’t care for my feelings. All he cared about was how many chicks he could pick up in one day. It was like a game for him. A game that ends up hurting the girl he dumps after having a one night stand with him.

How stupid was I to think he might actually care for me? I look back on that event and I just scoff at my obliviousness. All he wanted was to have a good time.

A mate was something he could not afford. In his mind a mate was the one thing in life he strived never to have.

It is so weird how opposite we really are. He is the bad boy; I am the shy nerd girl who is also known as the freak loner girl. He skips class and is barely ever at school, I have never missed a day of school in my life.

Opposites attract my wolf butt.

Why couldn’t I just be a normal human girl, with normal human friends and boyfriend? Is that too much to ask?

Apparently so.

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