Rejecting the Rejected: Chapter 12

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Well, this is chapter 12=) The ending is soon, and I have bitter sweet emotions. It will be my very first completed story and I am so ecstatic! What I want to know is what do you guys think about a sequel? Or maybe the story of Kim’s mom and dad? Maybe both? Tell me; I want to know what you guys want to see from this story.

I am already writing what I call a sequel, but it could stand as a story on its own. It isn’t a rejection story but a werewolf hunter/werewolf, so it has drama! Also ANOTHER one on my other account@UniqueButterly22. If you guys are interested and want me to post, let me know=)

Chapter 12

Carter’s POV

My ice ran cold at the mention of the Shadows. The Shadows were like the kings and queens of the werewolf world, only much more powerful.

They were the original werewolves.

They were a cruel heartless family that ran on adrenaline and killing innocent people. They often found joy in killing humans just for the thrill, it was sickening.

The werewolf council ended finding out about the killing sprees, and took most power away from them, but even today, the Shadows are the most feared family throughout the entire werewolf community.

“What do you mean the Shadows took her?” Anger flooded back into my veins.

My father sighed and took a seat on my bed. He gazed at me with a soft look. “Kim’s father approached me the other day. He seemed rather desperate for my help, and he has always been a good friend of mine. He told me that ‘his past was catching up to him’ and he needed one of my strongest men to help protect her. You know the rest.”

I looked at my father expectantly. He gave me a sympathetic look. “That was all I could get out of him.” I looked at my father knowing there was more to the story. He gave a light chuckle. “Well, I was mighty curious so I ended up getting s friend to help me try and shed some light on the situation. I wanted to know what I was trying to protect Kim from wasn’t going to hurt my pack. It turned out after a day or so of digging, my friend found a birth certificate that held Kim’s name on it. Not only did it have her name, it also had her mother who signed it as Violetta  Shadow.”

I gasped. Kim’s mother was the queen? She was a Shadow and a princess?

My anger bubbled. “Why did they take her then?”

My father sighed and my mother put a hand on his shoulder. “She is the next in line for the throne. They kidnapped her so she could take the throne and rule with her husband.”

Kim’s POV

To say I was shocked was a total understatement. This lady right here was my mother? I guess my father was right about her being gorgeous, but then again she kidnapped me.

She noticed my conflicting emotions and kneeled down so she was face to face with me. “You don’t seem as shocked as I expected. I suppose that your father has already told you about most of it?”

I nodded wordlessly. I had no clue what to say to her. My entire life I have been told that my mother had died, but here she is staring me right in the eyes in the flesh.

She stood up and scoffed. “I knew that bastard couldn’t keep his big mouth shut.”

I suddenly felt defensive over my father. “You’re one to talk.” My eyes narrowed at her vile figure.

She raised a perfectly trimmed eyebrow at me. “Gutsy, aye? You got that from me.” She said proudly.

 The thought of having anything in common, much less inheriting something from her made me want to throw up. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. “I am nothing like you.”

“You want to bet?”

I decided to ignore her last comment. “Why did you bring me here?”

She gave me a curious glance. “I thought you said your father told you everything?”

“He did, but I am only sixteen. Besides why did you go through all that trouble with those innocent girls?”

She looked at me surprised. “You know about the girls?”

I scoffed. “I know it was all just an act to get me scared. The visions and dreams were just a waste of your time. Now why don’t you tell me the real reason why you brought me here?” I asked her.

“You’re smart, I will give you that.” She mumbled something else under her breath, but I couldn’t find it in myself to care.

“I didn’t plan on telling you this so early on, but I have a soft spot for the curious souls.” I nearly scoffed. Yeah, because kidnapping your own daughter is surely out of the kindness of her heart.

“I have arranged you to be married.”

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