Rejecting the Rejected: Chapter 2

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^Dedicated to AKBcookiiezz for supporting every story of mine=)

Also another awesome cover by careforbooks-------->

Rejecting the Rejected

 Chapter 2

I had been sitting in the janitor’s closet for a while now. My head was aching and my face was no doubt tear stained. Not to mention red as a tomato.

I had tried to talk to my wolf, but she wouldn’t say anything. I guess the rejection of her mate was enough for one day.

The thought of what happened made my eyes water, but I brushed them off and swallowed my sobs. He didn’t want me that was obvious. There was no reason for me to make a bigger fool out of myself over someone who didn’t even care. That would just waste my time and his.

I straightened myself out and decided to head to the girl’s restroom to get myself straightened out. As I walked out of the janitor’s closet I realized the hallway wasn’t cluttered with people like it usually was. I guess I was so caught up in myself I didn’t even hear the bell ring.

I walked into the girl’s bathroom and headed towards the mirrors. I cringed as I saw my appearance. Man, I looked rough.

My little bit of eye liner was running down my red and blotchy face. My eyes had purple circles under them.

I turned the tap on and washed off my face to the best of my ability. I managed to wipe off the eye liner and some of the redness of my face went away. It was still very noticeable that I was crying though.

I patted down my crinkled clothes and grabbed my chap stick that I put in my pocket. I took off the hair tie I had wrapped around my wrist and put my hair up in a sloppy pony tail. I took out my contacts and put them in their container. I grabbed the glasses I had stuffed in my other pocket and put them on.

I really wish I had just worn my regular clothes. The clothes I was wearing now felt too tight and uncomfortable than what I was used to wearing.

My appearance looked somewhat better. I went to the bathroom and washed my hands trying to stall getting to class. I had never been late to class in my entire life, and I really didn’t want to start now.

I looked at myself in the mirror and said out loud, “You can do this.” I walked out of the bathroom and towards my English class.

I’m glad I grabbed my things for first period before the whole instant. I willed myself not to cry once more as I heard my wolf howl in pain.

I walked up to the English room, but I couldn’t find myself to walk in. What if Mrs. Burger gives me detention? What if that goes on my permanent record? Does Harvard look at that kind of things?

Before I could freak myself out even more, I turned the knob and walked in the classroom. Mrs. Burger wasn’t there, and instead a substitute sat at her desk.

When she heard the door open she snapped her head up.  She was a younger woman with red-brown hair who looked to be in her late twenties.

She raised an eyebrow at me. “And where have you been?”

A few snickers and giggles rang throughout the class, but I couldn’t care less. I swallowed hard and turned to face her.

She must have seen something because her eyes softened. “My name is Mrs. Brimming and as you can guess I am your sub. Everyone is either reading or doing homework from other classes. Please take a seat.”

I smiled gratefully at her and headed towards my seat in the back of the class. I was about to sit down when a high pitched voice rang throughout the classroom.

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