Rejecting the Rejected: Chapter 16

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Dedicated to Leigh2013 for catching a huge mistake in the last chapter! Haha, thank you so much!!

Well this chapter was supposed to be out yesterday, but thanks to my parents and their relatives social life (Notice I have none) I was forced to take on the job of babysitting, joy.

Anyways, One more chapter plus an epilogue, and maybe a SEQUEL (Tell me!)?!!! Oh, my god! I am just so grateful for every single one of you! I hope that you guys have enjoyed this journey as much as I haveJ

Watch out for the POV changes, they do change quite often. This chapter is quite long, the longest chapter in the book actually, so I am hoping this can hold you off a while so I can finish the last chapter (Thursday, I have an appointment tomorrow and Tuesday) and the epilogue (Next Sunday maybe Monday)

Chapter 16

Kim’s POV

My stomach was cramping with nerves, and they weren’t the pleasant kind either.

Would Carter save me? What if he didn’t? Would I have to be married to that horrible excuse of a man Robert?

I shook my head from those awful thoughts. Carter was going to save me, and I wasn’t going to marry Robert. I was going to marry the love of my life, Carter.

The thought of marrying Carter sent a whole new wave of butterflies through my stomach, but this time, they were good nerves. The nerves that made me want to jump up and down with joy, not gag or puke, which were the awful nerves that have returned.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was curled to perfection, my make-up looked spot on and my dress looked absolutely gorgeous, but my face was hollow and void of any color. My eyes looked strained and dull as if I was about to fall asleep.

The bathroom door opened interrupting me from my personal overview. I turned my head slightly to see it was Kina standing there looking shocked. “Well, aren’t I quite the miracle worker here?” she asked herself amused.

I didn’t find it at all amusing, but something told me to keep my mouth shut. She reached out and grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the bathroom. My, or should I say our, mother was standing there with a frown on her face; as usual. When she saw me her frown slightly lifted up in a small smile.

She turned towards Kina and gave her a half nod. “Good job Kina.”

Kina was obviously shocked by the praise, but she quickly bowed to keep her composure. “Thank you mother.”

“Now go away, I need to talk to Kim alone.” Our mother quickly dismissed her. Kina bowed once more before scurrying out of the room like a scared rat.

“Look, I know that you are being forced into this, and for that I am sorry for,” I nearly fell back in surprise, her sorry? She saw my expression and chuckled some. “Yeah, who knew the witch had a heart?” I didn’t say anything and she continued. “Anyways, right now it may seem like a curse, but trust me; in the future you will see it as a blessing.”

I suddenly became angry. Who was she to tell me that I would appreciate being kidnapped and forced to marry some pervert?! “You listen here-“I was cut off by the door opening, that seemed to be happening a lot lately.

Kina poked her head through a small crack and gave an apologetic smile. “Sorry to interrupt, but the wedding is about to start.”

My mother’s apologetic look was gone and her cold emotionless mask replaced it. “Good.” She turned towards me and motioned to the door. “It’s time.”

Carter’s POV

We were heading somewhere south, but I couldn’t pay any mind as to what was surrounding us. My nostrils were burning with the scent of my mate. As we neared the destination, I could practically feel her.

Rejecting the RejectedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant