Rejecting the Rejected: Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Carter’s POV

A sharp pain shot through my head. It felt like someone had stabbed my head repeatedly, and let me tell you it wasn’t a good feeling at all.

I heard a faint beeping sound and a few mummers. I tried to peel my eyes open, but for some reason they didn’t want to cooperate.

“Alpha! It’s Kim! She is gone!” A deep voice alerted someone nearby.

I nearly jumped up out of my trace. Kim!

Everything suddenly came back to me. I went over to her house and totally flipped out because she was stupid enough to run away. When she had arrived my wolf had taken over complete control and I just couldn’t let her go. I thought I had lost her, so when she tried to free herself of my grasp I couldn’t because my wolf felt like she was trying to leave us again. 

Then her dad intervened and started talking about how I rejected Kim. That was the part I didn’t get. I didn’t reject her!

Sure, I did humiliate her in front of the entire school due to the fact I was scared, and not to mention the huge dent it would put in my reputation, but once I said those things and kissed that ugly slut, I realized what a huge mistake I made.

That was why when my dad and her dad were talking about her needing protection from some unknown threat I volunteered whole-heartedly. That was my chance to prove my worth and my love. But instead she took it the opposite way and thought I was trying to taunt her about it.

I would never intentionally hurt her; the thought of hurting her killed me.

My eyes snapped open and I sat up in whatever I was laying in. a sharp pain shot throughout my stomach and I groaned in pain. Even though my eyes were open all I could see was gray.

“He is awake!” I heard a female voice say.

I heard footsteps rush over to my side and hold me down. “Son, you need to rest.” I heard my father’s voice.

I struggled to free his grip but he was a lot stronger than I was so eventually gave up. My eye sight returned and I saw my father and my step-mother’s worried faces looming over me.

My step-mother was named Claire. She wasn’t my mother. My mother was a human, and when he had found out what my dad really was, and what I was going to turn into, she left without a trace.

My father and his wolf were very depressed, but Claire came along. Claire’s mate had died in battle a while back, and as soon as she and my dad met each other, they fell in love instantly. He marked her as his mate, and she became my mother.

All I could think about was Kim. “Where is Kim?” My voice came out barely a whisper.

My step-mother let out a strangled sob. “They took her honey.”

My wolf howled angrily. Find mate now!

My wolf’s anger was radiating, and my own anger was no different. “What do you mean ‘they’ took her? Who did?!”

My parents looked at each other worriedly. I got angrier. “Who took her?!”

My father finally spoke up. “The Shadows. The Shadows took her son.”

Kim’s POV

Cold water drenched me from above. I gasped and jerked forwards only to be restrained by something. I head was pounding, like a horrible hangover.

 I took a look at my surroundings. It was completely dark besides a lamp sitting beside me. I couldn’t see anything but myself and the lamp. My legs and my arms were tied to the chair I was currently sitting on.

I tried to free my hands, but all I did was get rope burn on my bare wrists. I heard a giggle from behind me.

“Who’s there?” My voice wobbled as I tried to see who laughed.

“Always the brave one aren’t you? Just like your father.” The voice taunted.

I couldn’t tell where the voice was coming from, but I could tell it was female.

“Who are you?” I asked again more confidently.

The voice giggled again. “Oh, sweetie. I am surprised you haven’t figured it out yet.”

I tried to cut the rope with my rather sharp nails, but the rope was just too thick. “How about you just tell me who you are?” I was starting to get frustrated now.

I heard the click of heels walk towards me, from what direction I wasn’t sure of. The noise seemed to bounce off the walls. I must be in some empty warehouse.

The clicking of heels stopped until I could see a shadows appear in front of me. A tall woman stepped out from the darkness.

I gasped as I looked at the woman. The long black hair and shining black eyes looked strikingly identical to my features.

Her bright red lips formed into an evil smirk. “Why hello daughter.”

Kind of short, but another update should be up by Friday.

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