Rejecting the Rejected: Chapter 13

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I want to thank all my readers! My new ones, my old ones, the ones who have been there from the very beginning, thank you guys so much. You have no idea how much I appreciate all of your votes and comments, even just reading it! I never in my wildest dreams expect that Rejecting the Rejected would get to where it is right now.

I am so sorry for my inconsistent updating, I really need to work on it, and I really appreciate that you guys are sticking with me!

My uploads will be getting more frequent as school comes to a close.

Oh and note, I forgot what Kim’s dad’s name is, so from now on, I declare his name Mark! Lol,

Chapter 13

Carter’s POV (I really like his POV! Hehe)

If it wasn’t for my dad restraining me, I would have shifted right then and there. All I could see was red, and I was absolutely furious, not to mention my wolf screaming for me to let him out.

“Son! You can’t shift! You are too weak.” My father hollered, but I could barely hear his voice.

All I could think about was killing the man who dared even consider himself my mate’s husband. I struggled from my father’s grasp, and in the distance I could hear the small weep of my mother, but my wolf was clawing to get out.

“I command you to stop.” My father used in his alpha voice.                

I started to regain more control and my vision was becoming clearer. When my vision was fully returned, I saw my father and my mother exchanging worried looks.

I brushed off my dad’s hand from me and sat up looking him in the eye. I took a deep breath. “What do you mean her ‘husband’?” I tried to state calmly, but the word ‘husband’ came out as a snarl.

My dad sighed once more, and took my mom’s hand into his own. “You see, the Shadows are ruthless rulers. All they care about is power and blood lines. One of the main reasons the werewolf council took most of their power was because they are known for forcing arranged marriages in order to keep the blood line pure. They have no sympathy for mates whatsoever.”

My stomach twisted with the thought of my mate being forced into a marriage. How could someone ever marry someone that wasn’t their mate?

“Well then, why the heck aren’t we saving her right now?” I roared.

My dad looked me straight in the eye. “Carter, they are the most powerful werewolves, we can’t just attack them. We have to plan and strategize or else it would be like setting ourselves up for defeat.” My father spoke softly. “Besides, you just woke up from a coma, you need rest.”

I didn’t want to agree, but deep down I knew he was right. There was no way we would be able to just whisk Kim away from them without being noticed, but I knew for a fact that very soon, I would finally be reunited with my mate, and the Shadows are going to pay.

Kim’s POV

I sat there staring at the cement floor numbly. After I heard those horrid words out of my equally horrid mother, she left me to rot in them.

I was arranged to be married.

I was to marry someone I didn’t even know! Most importantly, they weren’t my mate. The thought of Carter made my stomach roll.

Was he all right? Did he even know I was gone?

Is he going to rescue me? The little voice in my head asked.

I shook my head from any negative thoughts. Of course he was going to find me. He was my mate and I would be in his arms once more.

The sound of heels clicking on the floor brought me back to reality. Bright red heels stepped into my line of vision.

“Look at me.” My mother’s voice commanded.

Unfortunately her power was too great and overcame me. I slowly dragged my eyes up to her face to meet her cold glare.

“Alright I gave you time to sulk. It’s time you started getting used to things really go around here.” She gave me a pathetic look and then yelled, “Vance!”

A burly man stepped into the light. His whole appearance screamed ‘danger’. His head was shaved and his eyes were a cold grey. He was wearing completely black, and if I didn’t know he was one of my ‘mother’s’ goons, I would have thought he was some type of spy.

He stuffed his hand in his pocket and pulled out a small pocket knife. He flicked it open and approached me with it in his hand.

At first I thought he was going to cut me, but at the last minute he veered to the left and slashed the rope on my hands and legs. Without any words he simply closed the knife, dropped it into his pocket and walked away.

I started rubbing my red blistered wrists, but it seemed my mother had other ideas. She grabbed my wrists and tugged me out of the small light and into the darkness.

I hissed in pain but she ignored it and continued to pull me along until I heard the loud sound of a door opening and sudden light.

Before I could even adjust to the sunlight, I was tossed into a back of a van. I smacked my head on something hard and it started to make me feel woozy.

Before I blacked out I could hear the shrill laughter of my mother. “Did I mention you have a sister?”

Mark’s POV (Kim’s dad. Shocker I know!)

I was going to kill that lousy excuse for a mate.

I always expected my mate to be beautiful, kind and caring. Beautiful, she was, but she had a black heart and couldn’t care less about anyone but herself.

I know all you should ever feel for your mate was love and compassion, but whenever I thought of her it made me want to throw up. I hated her with every fiber in my being.

She is a conniving bitch who manipulated me from the very start.

Before I couldn’t give a flying hoot about her, but now she has crossed the line. She took my daughter and I was not having it, neither was my wolf. Mate or not, I was getting my daughter back one way or another.

Even if I have to kill her.

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