Rejecting The Rejected: Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“Um, what are you doing here?” I asked while stuttering. I cursed mentally. Of course I just had to stutter at him.

There was no way he was standing at my front door right now. I must be going insane. How the heck would he even know where I lived?

Holy crap! My creeper mate is stalking me!

He pushed past me into my house without a word.

I looked at him with my mouth wide open. Oh no, he did not just do that. “Hey! I didn’t invite you into my house!”

He turned around and smirked at me. He was about to open his big fat mouth when my dad and Charlene walked into the room. My dad just smiled while Charlene looked shocked, but overall angry.

My dad walked up and patted Carter on the back. “Hello son. Nice to see you again.” He turned towards me. “This is your guard.”

If my mouth hadn’t already reached the floor, it would have now. My thoughts were so erratic I didn’t notice Charlene attacking Carter until I started hearing her scream profanities.

She was lying on top of Carter while punching him and smacking him. Carter looked so surprised he had no clue what to do.

My dad jumped in and dragged a struggling Charlene off of him. “He doesn’t deserve her! That damn dog re-“

Before she said anything else I put my hand over her mouth. I may not like Carter, but I certainly do not want my dad to know. The poor dude would be mauled if my dad ever found out.

A stunned looking carter finally got to his feet and brushed his jeans off. He had a swollen black eye and bruises all over his face.

Dang, Charlene really did know how to punch. She really is the best cousin a girl could have.

My dad frowned disapprovingly at Charlene. “I don’t know what got into you Charlene, but Carter is going to be Kim’s guard from now on.”

She huffed and pulled her arm away from my dad’s grasp. “I don’t give a rat’s butt about that jerk. I can’t stand even being in the same room with him.” She stomped towards me and mumbled, “I’ll be in the car.” She slammed the door so hard the house shook.

My dad looked at Carter’s face with a frown. “I apologize for my niece. She got it from her mother that’s for sure. She was always beating up the guys who even looked at her wrong.”

Carter chuckled. “That’s fine Mr. Drake. I’m used to it with the guys at the pack house.” He tried to smile but flinched from the pain.

“Kim, why don’t you go get Carter cleaned up and then you guys can all go to school together. I have to leave now, be good.”

A horrified look claimed my face. “Um, no I don’t want to be left alone with him dad.” I pointed to Carter who was still holding his face form pain.

My dad looked at me disapprovingly. “He is your guard, honey. You need to get used to him being around you. He will be around a lot.” He kissed my head and walked out the door without looking back.

My throat clogged up as I thought about being alone with Carter. He seemed to think the same thing and his eyes darkened dangerously.

I coughed trying to clear the awkwardness. “So, um the kitchen’s this way.” I walked towards the kitchen with him following behind me.

I could feel eyes burning into my backside, and that is not a very comfortable feeling let me tell you.

I reached up into the cabinet and grabbed a bottle of alcohol and a rag. I put some of the alcohol on the rag and turned around.

Rejecting the RejectedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang