Rejecting the Rejected: Chapter 8

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I am sorry for the late-ish upload. I was going to upload yesterday but I got carsick, no not like that. I was so worn out I went to bed at like eight. I don’t know if I will be able to upload since my vacation ends in a couple of days, it might be a while, but I will try my hardest to upload!!!

Oh, and I am thinking of trying out another wolf story, but with humor and all that good stuff in it... let me know what you think...

This is dedicated to blackrosebuds321 for her amazing comment that made me laugh=)

Chapter 8

I leaned against the sink staring into my reflection. I wasn’t the same girl I was a couple of days ago. Sure, I just cried my eyes out, but I looked different.

Looking past the make-up and tear stains, there was a twinkle in my eye. A twinkle that was never there before, confidence.

Before all of this, I would look at myself in disgust. My greasy black hair matched with my beady brown eyes made me seem as if I was the grudge. My body was always tooth pick thin. It felt like I was about o snap in one step.

Now, I see myself as a real person. I might not make sense to you, but I can actually see the real me shining through.

I looked up at the clock to see that there was only ten minutes until the bell rang. I wiped my eyes from all of the black make-up. I lifted my hands from the sink and pushed myself towards the exit.

As soon as I stepped out of the Girl’s bathroom, something caught my arm. Sharp tingles ran up my arm pleasantly. I didn’t have to turn to see who it was.

“What the hell have you been doing in there? I thought you were…” The voice ceased when I turned around.  The look of shock overcame his face. Before I would get lost in his blue orbs, I looked at the ground.

Carter’s blue eyes bore into my face. He noticed the puffiness of my eyes and growled. “Who the hell made you cry?”

 I almost laughed at the concerned tone at his voice. He really thinks that I don’t see the game he is playing? Does he think that I am so stupid not to realize that this is all just a big joke?

Shut up and go to mate. My wolf grumbled like a caveman.

He rejected you and me! What makes you think he would even care! I screamed internally. My wolf whimpered but didn’t say anything else.

I felt him grab my upper arms with his strong hands. The electricity that was running through my body was too much. I just wanted to jump him right then and there.

It took all I had not to look up into his eyes. I pushed his hands off me roughly. “You dipstick. You made me cry.”

I didn’t want to see his face so I ran towards the exit of school. The magnetic pull was almost impossible to resist, but I knew that I could not face him. My heart was beating a million miles a second, and I knew that I was about to shift.

I burst out of the school and ran towards the woods at lightning speed. As soon as I stepped foot into the woods, I shifted. My bones cracked painfully, but not as painful as my first shift. The first shift was something that could not be described in words how painful it was.

I was a black wolf with come lighter brown streaks mixed in there. I stood at five feet, which was unusual for females, but then again I’m not just the normal female wolf now am I?

I felt my paws hit the ground and I shot forward. I dodged trees and large sticks. My wolf felt free at last. It had been at least a week since I have shifted.

I ran and ran until I came across a small stream. I flopped down on my stomach and my tongue lapped in the water. The fresh cool water felt amazing against my hot tongue.

I put my head down between my paws and slipped off into a peaceful slumber.

I heard a rustle in the woods. I immediately jumped up and positioned myself in a fighting stance. I was still in wolf form. It was around dusk, so I slept a good amount of time.

My ears perked up to the sound of another twig snapping. Suddenly a big gust of wind burst through the trees and a familiar scent tickled my nose. What the hell was she doing here?

Well hey to you too. A sarcastic voice entered my head. I rolled my eyes as Charlene’s small blonde wolf leaped out from the canopy.

Most packs have a mind link, but for some reason I am able to talk to every wolf without being in that certain pack.

‘Hi Char-Char.’ I smiled wolfishly.

She growled playfully. ‘Nice to see you Kenny.’

I laughed out loud, which came out in snorts, from the memory. Her mom was my dad's sister. My dad also has another sister named Galvanize; I know it’s a mouthful. She is this crazy cat lady. She is partially blind but never wears glasses.

One night my dad had invited our whole family over and I had never met Aunt Galvanize before. When we met her she thought I was a boy and told me my new nickname was Kenny and Charlene’s was Char-Char. It just kind of stuck and we have been calling each other that since.

‘Are you crazy ditching school and not coming back home? I thought your dad was about to have a heart attack. Plus that douche bag about flipped out and turned the school over looking for you’. Charlene’s worried voice entered my mind.

I gave her the best smile I could manage. ‘Hey, I was having a bad time. I ran off and fell asleep. I guess I lost track of time, sorry. Speaking of Carter why didn’t he come and get me?’ Not that I wanted him too, I just figured since he was my guard he would try and find me.

She shook her head and growled lowly. The bastard shifted on us and was so mad he almost tore your dad up. Luckily your dad calmed him down and told me to go find you.’

‘I can’t believe he didn’t protest.’

She huffed. ‘Like hell he did. I thought we would have to ties him down to a pickup truck just to get him to stop moving. If your dad didn’t know that he was your mate, then he sure as hell knows now.’

My eyes widened. My dad knows that Carter is my mate? Holy crap this is bad.

Or good. Charlene said reading my thoughts. Anyways we should be getting back soon before Night sends bounty hunters after you.

I nodded my big head in agreement. Charlene took off in the woods and I followed behind her.

My mind was swarming with every possible change that would happen if my dad knew about me being mates with Carter. If he went all wolf trying to find me my dad would either think, A. He is just a really emotional guy with shifting problems, which is highly doubtful seeing as he is the alpha’s son, or B. he is my mate.

Either outcome could seriously change things drastically. For good or worse I am not sure.

We stopped outside of the woods behind my house and shifted. I grabbed the bag of clothes I keep in the woods so I don’t have to be naked while entering my house. I had a couple of pairs so I gave some to Charlene.

We both changed and headed towards the house. I was just about to knock on the door when it flew open.

I was pulled into a tight embrace. I could tell by the sweet scent that it was Carter. His chest was bare, which made me blush. He had a pair of jeans that looked a little big on him. I guess my dad gave him some jeans after he had that panic attack.

“I thought I had lost you.” Carter whispered in my ear.

At that moment I melted into his embrace. I couldn’t stand it. I wrapped my arms around his waist and set my head on his bare chest. We stood like this for a minute or two before the sound of a throat clearing broke us apart.

My dad was standing there looking more than knowing. “You have a lot of explaining to do.”

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