Chapter 10

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I woke up on Sunday morning to a stream of sunlight peeking through the crack in the curtains. The sunlight fell of Jess's face and made her look even more beautiful than normal which i didn't know was possible. Everything was going so well since i told her it was so much easier, we could be completely honest with each other. It was not just easier with me but the entire pack as we no longer had to tip toe around now that she knew everything. We have become pretty much inseparable and did not spend one night apart since the truth was revealed. I hated leaving her for even and a second and i'm pretty sure she felt the same, Sam and Dad said this was how it would be. It was the imprinting that made us so close and us unable to leave each others side, my feelings for her got stronger every day and knew that at this point i could never live without her. I was pulled out of these thoughts by my phone ringing loudly next to me and i grabbed it as fast as possible to try to stop it from waking her up. I wasn't fast enough as she began to stir beside me, i swore under my breath at the person who was disturbing her. i answered the call.

"Hello?" I said sleepily.

"Mate we have a problem you need to get to mine now" Sam growled down the phone. He sounded very angry something must be really wrong i thought. I looked at Jess and she mouthed 'Who is it?' to me and i replied with Sam.

"Umm whats the problem?" I said worriedly i didn't really wanna leave Jess without protection if it was that serious.

"There's three vampires and there after Renesmee, the Cullens are here and their asking for our help i think it might be serious" He said i could hear the concern in his voice, i looked at Jess again and she looked worried, she hadn't had to deal with any of this yet and she didn't take Bella being a vampire very well and to be honest i think she is just confused about the whole situation between Vampires and Werewolves. I don't blame her.

" I'm not leaving Jess here if their that dangerous" I said worried.

"We haven't got time to talk about this, you need to get here now bring and Jess and we will set up something to protect the girls while we sought this" he said. I rushed out of bed a mouthed at Jess to get dressed.

"Alright we are coming now, we wont be long" I said and hung up. Jess was already getting dressed and I quickly threw on some clothes.

"What's going on?" she said when she emerged from the bathroom dressed and with her hair tied up on the top of her head.

"Vampire stuff, Sam thinks it might be serious and we need to sought it out I'm going to explain everything on the way" I said grabbing my keys "Come on we need to go" I said rushing out the bedroom and towards the front door.



"So Bella is asking for your help?" I asked what cheek, after how she treated Jake. I didn't really fancy an encounter with Jake's ex especially after the last meeting, i'm pretty sure i'm not her favourite person.

"Yeah but don't worry okay, it's all going to be fine I swear" he said squeezing my hand as we walked up the porch of Sam's. An unfamiliar black SUV was in front of the house which I knew had to belong to the Cullens. We walked through the door of Sam's and everyone was suddenly silent. Anxiety was radiating off everyone in the room and made me a little nervous. Bella was stood with a small brown haired girl which I persumed was her daughter. Edward was stood beside them I only knew him from photos I had seen and the rest of their clan were here but I had not meet any of them and didn't know which was which. I felt out of place and a little bit nervous around all these vampires I held on to Jake's hand a little tighter and he squeezed my hand in his way of saying it all okay.

Not sure how I lived without you (Jacob black)Where stories live. Discover now