Chapter 2: The Art of Secret Shopping

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"I'd rather wear a Vera Wang dress, from five seasons ago," Kendall said to Margo, throwing the mint-colored dress at her, she then walked away with a purposeful hair flip.

I chuckled at the furious expression on Margo's face as she put the dress back on the rack. But holding up a garden floral print Burberry skirt, my laughter turned into a small cry, when I flipped over the price tag and saw that it was way over my new budget. With a frustrated sigh, I reluctantly let go of the skirt, looking away from its bright colors and soft material as it insistently called me back to buy it.

We were at Windsor's––one of the biggest stores in town. They sold all the best designer clothes, from Vivienne Westwood to Chanel. If it had been any other day, I would blindly be picking out items and immediately going to try them on, but the arguments with my parents last night had left me in sour mood. So instead, I opted for simply looking at the beautiful clothes, evidently torturing my eyes in the process.

Margo literally pulled me out of bed this morning to go shopping with her and Kendall and Sarah, before I could tell her about my current... situation. As embarrassing as it was, I decided to follow them, knowing I wouldn't be able to buy anything since Dad had taken all my credit cards away, only willing to give them to me when I paid for the credit card bill, which would be near impossible to clear off until I was forty.

Kendall, Margo and I, all headed towards the changing room where Sarah was going to try on some outfits to wear to her cousin's wedding next Saturday. We sat down on a cushioned bench, outside the changing stalls.

"How do I look, girls?" Sarah asked, giving a small twirl when she finally came out, after what felt like an hour later.

The dress she wore was absolutely exquisite. It was Armani, I remembered it from religiously watching this season's fashion shows. The strapless dress had a gold, fully embroidered top with a navy blue ankle-length skirt and a thin belt knotted into a little bow, giving her waistline a slimming effect.

"Wow, you look awesome," I said.

Margo nodded approvingly. "Yeah, totally bomb!"

Sarah turned Kendall who was yet to comment on her appearance, seemingly more preoccupied with the state of the own Louis Vuitton peep-toe pumps.


"It's alright," she said dryly, with all the enthusiasm that you'd use to call a corndog 'alright.'

"Just alright?" Sarah fidgeted, wrinkling her nose as she looked down, running her hands over the flawless material of the gown.

Kendall sighed, and after tucking a lock of her long auburn hair under her ear, she finally met Sarah's waiting eyes. "Well, to be honest you look like Mary Poppins, barfed all over you."

We all stared at Kendall, stunned, but Margo was the first to speak up.

"Why would you say something like that?"

"Because it's the truth! She can't go to a wedding, in fact, anywhere looking like that," she said pointing at the dress with disgust. "Sarah, if you want to sit at the table where the Grandmas are at, then this is your dress, but if you actually want to score a hot boyfriend, then girl, you better look for something as sexy as hell to wear because at this rate you'll be single forever."

Sarah seemed to take it all in, her eyes glistening as she wordless went back into the stall to try on another dress.

Kendall was just plain mean and she felt entitled, and maybe she was, after all her family were practically rolling in money. 'Latin Money' like I called it. None of her friends––including Sarah, ever called her out on her terrible attitude. Thankfully, she wasn't really my friend, if anything, I only hung out with her because Margo did, and like a dutiful companion, I tagged along. But Kendall, didn't dare cross paths with me, because I still knew how to give a Jason Bourne-worthy left hook punch, if I do say so myself.

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