Chapter 10: Late Nights at the Hollywood sign

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A/N—Hi lovelies! This is one of my favorite chapters so far. The banter between Mason and Star cracks me up every time!! I hope you enjoy it and please don't forget to vote, comment and share!

There was an incessant tapping noise coming from my window, like someone throwing rocks. It was getting more persistent by the minute, and I felt a terrified shudder run through me while I turned on my bedside lamp.

I slid on my slippers, walked to the windows and carefully tugged the curtain to the side by just a fraction. I peeked out into the garden below, surprised by who was there and stepping on my flowers!

I flung open both windows, narrowly escaping being hit by another rock projectile.

"Are you insane, Mason?" I whisper-yelled. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Mason threw his head back laughing. The nerve!

"I came to see you, dollface."

"It's Star. My name is Star," I said through gritted teeth. "And keep your voice down."

"I will if you come outside," he said.

"No. Don't you know what time it is? It's late already."

"Fine then, I'll just sing until you change your mind."

"You wouldn't dare," I muttered under my breath, but I could tell by that smug look on his eyes that he was going to do it.

Mason cleared his throat loudly before he began. "Oh, say can you see. By the dawns––"

"Okay, okay, stop!" I pleaded, but I couldn't help double over and laughing at how off-key he sounded.

Some platinum record-selling artiste he was.

"I'll be down in a minute," I told him, annoyed at the satisfaction on his face.

"I'll be waiting, Juliet," he said in an exaggerated theatrical voice.

Rolling my eyes, I shut the windows and raced down the hall. When I got to my parents' room, however, I made sure to control my steps and walked on my tiptoes as I descended the staircase.

Once I got out of the house, I spotted Mason standing in the driveway by the water fountain.

He caught sight of me and I could tell he was trying to stifle a laugh. I shot him an angry look when I got to where he was.

"It's just . . . your PJ's," he said in between laughs, "It's killing me right now."

I glanced down at my pink pajamas. It had bears and hearts printed all over it. What's so wrong with that?!

Glaringly, I held my head up high and turned to leave. "Well, don't die out here," I seethed.

Mason grabbed my hand before I could move and I exhaled at how great his touch felt.

Damn hormones.

"I'm sorry." He looked anything but sorry. "I like your jammies," he said trying to keep a straight face as his eyes dropped to my feet, "and your bunny-eared slippers."

I took my hand out of his, despite the fact that I really didn't want to. "What do you want, Mason?"

He cupped his chin, staring at the sky thoughtfully. "Hmmm, there are a lot of things that I want. A new yacht, an island off the coast of––"

"Mason, I don't––''

"But for now, I just want to show you something."

"Show me what?" I asked suddenly a bit curious when he started walking off to the back of the house.

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