Chapter 7: Big girls cry . . . a lot

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"It's alright, Mar." I wrapped my arm around her shoulders as we strolled into the house. "He's a total ass who doesn't deserve you or your tears."

My words did little to calm her down. Margo was inconsolable and I highly doubted that anything would make her feel better until she had let it all out, which was probably a good thing. It would take a while, after all, Eric was her first boyfriend. He was only guy that she ever gave the time of day to and at the beginning they looked so in love, constantly glued to each other's side.

But I wasn't surprised that they broke up. Before graduation I observed that they were drifting apart slowly, and their bickering turned into long and very loud arguments in front of their friends. It was clear in plain sight that their love ship had sailed and Margo knew that too, more than she let on.

She was sobbing even louder now and I just realized that we had stopped on the threshold of the archway leading to the living room.

Pausing, I stood in front her trying to look into her downcast eyes. "What's the matter?"

Margo cried harder. "I can still smell him."  

"Smell who?" My question went unanswered as Margo fled up the stairs, her curly hair bouncing all around her.

With a long and frustrated sigh, I raced after her, careful not drop the shopping bag containing the ice-cream I'd bought at the store. This was not how I envisioned my Friday night.

She was splayed on top of my bed and as her face was buried in the pillows, and was no doubt staining them with her tears. I sat by the headboard on the other side of the bed, placing the shopping bag on the lampstand.

Slowly, I ran my hand through her unruly hair just like my mom had done so many times when I was feeling down. The gesture had always brought a measure of comfort to me and I only hoped it would to her too.

Margo turned her head just then and looked at me, her face was red from crying so much.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked.

She shook her head like a stubborn child, but I nodded sympathetically with understanding .

She sat up and attempted to wipe away her tears with the back of her hand. I offered her a tissue instead and after a muttering a quick 'thank you', she blew her nose wildly into it. However, when she realized what she had done her face flushed with embarrassment and I struggled to hold back a laugh as it was very uncharacteristic of Margo.

"It was the cologne I bought Eric for his birthday," Margo said once she threw the used tissue into the trash can. "I smelled it when we were downstairs. Star, are my going crazy?"

Rolling my eyes, I gave her a look. "Don't be silly, Margo. You're not crazy."

At first I didn't think much of it, Margo had a nose like a hound dog, but then I remembered. Mason! It must have been his cologne she smelled. It just had to be a terrible coincidence that Eric and Mason both used the same cologne. But I was not about to tell her that, Mason McKnight was in this house.

I'd been silent for a while and Margo noticed. "What?"

"Nothing," I said casually and quickly retrieved the ice-cream out of the bag. "You want ice-cream?"

She gazed at the tub for a while, then shrugged. "Why not? There's no point thinking about calories when my heart's been ripped out of chest," she exasperated, on the verge of another round of tears.

I had a strong feeling that would be happening a lot tonight.

"I'll go grab you a spoon." I stood up and when I reached the door a thought popped into my head. "What's the name of that cologne you got for Eric?"

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