Chapter 12: Bewitching Green Eyes

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The capital of Finland. Eight across.

Tapping the pencil against my forehead thoughtfully, I wracked my brain for the answer to the crossword.



"Helsinki," I muttered under my breath, filling in the boxes.

Some days, we usually spent hours at the recording studio. As they talked about specifics and what not, playing the same track over and over again, it made me bored out of my mind.

To pass the time, I'd taken to the art of solving crossword puzzles. It was the most fun I was allowed while I was cooped up in here. It was either that or browse through my Instagram feed which always had me sulking at how much fun my friends were having without me.

"I'm not sure about that. What do you think, Star?"

At the mention of my name, my head shot up, immediately connecting with a pair of green eyes. My own eyes spurred daggers at him, my nostrils flaring like a bull before it's ready to attack.

Let's just say if looks could kill. . .

There was a hint of amusement playing at his lips and I would give anything to wipe that look off his face.

I knew what they'd been discussing; it was about a lyrical change for a song that Mason had been working on all day. Honestly, I thought it could use a few a tweaks here and there but I wasn't about to make my opinion known, for obvious reasons.

I turned on my fake smile before I spoke. "Well, I've been informed by a certain . . . person that I run my mouth a lot. And I would hate to offend you, in any way, shape or form, so if you'd be so kind, I'd like to stay out of this one."

Without waiting for a response, I lifted myself off the couch and headed out the door, feeling everyone's stare as I left. Once I was out of the studio, I breathed out heavily, walking the length of the hall until I entered the ladies' restroom.

Leaning against the sink, I gazed back at my reflection, noticing a few strands of hair out of place. After adjusting my hair, I patted some cool water on my face, drying it with a disposable cloth.

Mason always knew how to rub me the wrong way and I was getting sick of it. I thought about quitting on more than one occasion, but besides the fact that I haven't even made a dent in my credit card bill, I really didn't want to give Mason the satisfaction of putting me down.

When I was sure I was ready to face everyone again, I decided to leave the restroom but on my way out, my head hit a something hard. I was sure it wasn't a wall because I didn't remember seeing one this close.

A pair of large hands grabbed my upper arms, steadying me before I could fall due to the impact. Squinting up, I dazedly saw Mason staring at me with that signature smirk etched on his face.

I caught myself immediately, releasing my arms from his strong grip. However, as I tried to move around him, he blocked my path.


He silenced me by placing a finger on my lips. If I wasn't so shocked by his action and the faint tingling sensation I got when he touched me, I would be sucker-punching him right now.

"I told you I would do something about that pretty mouth of yours." Mason smiled that heart-stopping smile of his.

I failed to see the humor in all of this!

I slapped his hand away from my mouth. "Leave me alone, Mason."

"No can do, Princess."

I made an attempt to walk past him again, but he placed his long arm on the wall beside us, preventing any further movement. I was on the verge of screaming my lungs off at him.

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