Chapter 17: Questions and Answers

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I felt my eyes slowly starting to open. I was once again in a soft, white bed, another hospital bed. I groaned and slwoly started to sit up. 

'Hey, you're finally awake, on your side anyway,' said a voice from within my head. 

'Hey! Reflamen, how you doing? Is the battle over yet?' I said.

'No, the battle's not over yet," replied Reflamen, 'And they are pushing us back, but Derrick is fighting like he has nothing to loose. You should see him.'

'I wish I could,' I laughed.

"Hey you're awake," said a voice from the door.

I looked up and saw the nurse, the one that I had scared last time. 

"Hey," I said.

"No crazy rambles this time," said the nurse with a smile.

"Not this time," I smiled back.

I started to stand up.

"Hey, you shouldn't be standing back up, you might have another relapse," said the nurse hurring to my side.

I laughed, remebering the three days I had until I could go back to the resistance, "I think I will have another relpase no matter how much 'rest' I get."

The nurse stopped, "What?"

"Doesn't matter," I said.

I got up and stretched, then yawned. My joints cracked. 

"Can I go home?" I asked.

"What? No!" said the nurse, "You aren't well enough to go home yet, we have to do more tests to make sure you don't have another relapse."

I sighed, "Then I guess I'm going to have to walk home."

I started to make my way out of the hospital room. The nurse ran over and grabbed my arm. 

"You can't go!" said the nurse, "You still haven't recovered!"

I sighed, "Look, I'm perfectly alright. I'm perfectly healthy, I have all my strength, I'm not hungry or anything, and I want to go home, please."

The nurse hesitated then let go of my arm. 

"Thank you," I said.

"Just don't blame me when we find you unconscious on the street," she said.

"I fall unconscious on the street, but  in three days time at about twelve I'll be back in this hospital, unconscious again. This time don't worry, I'll be perfectly alright."

With that I ran out of the hospital room before she had a chance to answer. I jogged out of the hospital, past some very surprised doctors and turned for home.

'Boy mum'll be surprised when I turn up at the door,' I thought.

'That she will,' said Relfamen with a laugh.

I laughed, then smiled. The fresh air wipped around my face as I slowly jogged onto the main road. Thankfully, this time, they hadn't undressed me and put me into hospital robes, I was still safetly in my sports uniform. 

It took about half-an-hour to finally get home. As I turned the corner I saw my mum waiting for me their. As soon as she saw me she jumped up and ran to me.

"Oh! I'm so glad you're alright!" she said, "We thought you had truely gone."

I laughed, "It's alright, how did you know I was coming?"

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