Chapter 46: The Fall of Oreman

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Oreman stood on top of the pile, looking down at me.

"You giving up?" he said with a smile, seeing that I had no swords in my hands.

"Far from it," I replied.

I pointed two fingers at the ground, then flicked them up. A huge boulder rose from the ground, dirt falling off it. I looked over to Oreman, then threw the boulder at him. Oreman smashed the boulder into hundreds of peices, using his trident, but I wasn't done there. I lifted up two more giant boulder from the ground, then threw them. Oreman smashed those as well. I put my hand to the air, made it into a fist, then yanked my arm down. A boulder suddenly appeared above Oreman, travelling at deadly speed. He smashed that one as well.

I clasped my hands together, then drew them apart quickly. The ground beneath Oreman suddenly split open to reveal a gigantic crevess in the ground. The king started falling, then he cast a winds spell and flew out. He hovered over the crevess slightly out of breath.

"Why don't you give up!" he screamed. 

He pointed the staff towards me, then shot a darkness ball. I smiled, then disappeared, only to reappear right in front of Oreman, with my fist planted firmly in his face. The king went flying towards the ground, then landed with a large bang. 

'I'm surprised he doesn't break a bone,' I thought, then waited a bit for a anwser. I got none.

I started to feel the anger rise again, but I supressed it, knowing that I would do a lot better with the way I'm going now. 

The king got up from where he had landed. I out my hands out. The ground below Oreman started growing hotter and hotter, until it had turned into molten rock. The king cried out in pain and lept up to a higher vantage point. He pointed his staff towards me and shot a beam of darkness towards me. I just swatted it aside like a fly, then disappeared again. I reappeared again to the side of Oremen, with a roundhouse kick to the monster's face.

The king was blasted yet again, smashing into a whole heap of rubble to the side. I pointed my hand at the rubble, then clenched my fist. The pile blow up in a massive explosion of debress. The king was standing in the middle. Hehad cast an earth spell, surrounding himself in a dome of earth. The eart fell away leaving the king standing there with a giant snarl on his face.

He lept at me, staff raised. I reached out my hand, and caught it. The king looked at me with surprise on his face. I then reached out and gripped his shirt. I stared right into his eyes, letting all the malace I had felt before into them. The king shivered.

I the through the king at another pile of rubble, as hard as I could. He smashed into it, making the whole pile collapse into itself. The king staggered to his feet. I raised my hand and shot a fireball at him. The king hit it away with his staff. I then disappeared and reappeared with my hand in Oreman's gut.

The king groaned and doubled over, trying to ignore the pain. I then hit him in the face with a hard punch. Oreman went flying straight through the rubble. When he did hit I felt the slightest amount of magic being cast. It was a will spell, probably designed to keep him from being seriously injured whenever he got hit. I smiled, if he kept on doing that he would exhaust himself even quicker the usual. 

I walked up the rubble pile to see the king standing there, the staff pointed at me. He shot a beam of darkness. I leaned to one side, letting it pass inches from me. I leveled my hand at the rubble below me, then thrust it forward. The rubble following my movement. It went slamming into the king. His staff was working furiously, trying to block every piece of rock going towards him. He wasn't succesful.

The rubble berried him in one giant pile. It suddenly exploded, leaving the king standing there, dirt covering his clothes and rage in his eyes. He lept towards me, casting a wind spell to aid him. His staff was starting to get darker, signalling that the king was getting angry.

Imagination BK1: The Forbidden Blade (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now