Chapter 42: Planning

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Rogan stared at the castle in awe. 

"It's just how I wanted it," he said.

I smiled, "There are a few secrets in the castle that I'll give you time to figure out later."

I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder, "Now, to the real reason I had told you about this. The king is still alive."

Rogan turned back to me. He saw my serious face and matched it with his own.

"But he isn't in this world," I said, "He's in mine, and in my world, people aren't used to magic and dragons. They will freak when they see him, and they won't be able to protect themselves. I'm slightly embarressed about saying this, but the people in my world aren't exactly fighters, most don't even know how to fight, and the few that do don't fight with swords or magic, they fight with these things called guns, they are better then the average sword, but against the king they won't be of much use."

Rogan nodded, "Then what do you think we should do?"

"I don't know!" I said, "and that's the thing, I have no idea how to help them!"

I put my hands on my head and sank to the ground. Rogan walked up to me and put his hand around my shoulder. 

"I wish I knew how to help," said Rogan, "But I can't get to you world, you're the only one who can. If I could help, I would, but you are the only person around that can travel to your world, the only person who can actually face the king."

I nodded, thinking, 'How will I ever be able to do this?'

'What do you mean, 'How will I ever be able to do this?'' said Relfamen, 'You were kicking his but last time you were there.'

'Yes, I know,' I replied, 'But there is something about what he said. He said 'You don't know what your up against' and he said that the 'gods' have brought him back to life, but how did that happen. I mean, it isn't like I brought him there or anything.'

'I know,' said Reflamen, 'Bu he did underestamate you. He did say he was surprised that you knew how to use your powers.'

'Yeah, you're probably right,' I said, 'I'll check on our world now, see what he's doing.'

I closed my eyes and imagined my home. I saw the king, taking a casual stroll downt he street, flicking his staff around while he did. Everytime he flicked it, he released a darkness bomb, destroying nearby houses easily. A police car rushed up to him. He pointed his staff forward and cast let another darkness bomb fly free, sucking the car into a black void. He laughed.

I was getting angry, and finding it harder and harder to keep control of my imagination. Suddenly I saw another explosion in the distance. I let my vision zoom over there, to see these extremely weird and discusting creatures. 

They walked on four legs, and they had a tail. They had pail green skin that was covered in slime, and they were about as big as a komodo dragon. They didn't seem to have any eyes, but they had a large mouth that was lined with razor sharp teeth. There were about twenty of them, all going through the streets, blasting houses with a stream of what looked like green acid. 

I made myself zoom back over to where the king was. He raised up his staff and a whole bunch more suddenly came out of nowhere, this time they had wings.

'So the king's doing this,' I said, 'But how, he never was able to do this before.'

'Maybe since going to your world he has gained new powers he hasn't had before,' said Reflamen, 'You saw how advanced he had been with a staff.'

Imagination BK1: The Forbidden Blade (Under Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon