Chapter 29: Sparing Against Dragons

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Me and Shadowrang kept up the fighting for most of the rest of the morning, and every time it ended up with me being beaten to a pulp, well... not really, thanks to the protective shields, but I was still getting beaten up. 

I landed against the ground for the hundreth time. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't get past Shadowrangs defences. He had to many ways of defending himself. I picked up my sword and ran at him. Shadowrang ducked my stroke and did a quick turn, smashing me with his tail. I went flying again. While I was in the air, I backflipped and landed about twenty metres away.

I then charged at him again. I ducked under Shadowrang's stroke with his wing, then jumped over another. I quickly blocked his claw, then his other, then jumped out of the way of both of his wings, which came at me at the same time.

I was exhausted, even one of those beans couldn't keep me going. I jumped back and blocked a stroke from Shadowrang's tail. I ducked his wings then struck upward as fast as I could. I was rewarded with a hit to Shadowrang's jaw. The shadow dragon seemed to flip in one spot, but landed on his back instead of his feet.

"Well done," said Derrick.

I smiled at him.

"Okay, again," said Derrick, "Just to make sure it isn't a fluke."

I nodded and got into my ready position again. Shadowrang rolled back onto his feet.

'You won't get me this time,' said Shadowrang snarling.

'We'll see about that,' I replied with my mind.

Shadowrang got in a position to pounce, it was then I realised how little protection was on the dragons back. He wouldn't be able to use his wings, tail, claws, feet or element attack. 

'Why didn't I think of this before?' I thought, seeing the obviousness of the weekness, 'Okay, lets try this.' 

Shadowrang sprung at me with incredible speed. I was ready and rolled out of the way. Shadowrang lashed out his wing to try and catch me of balance. I ducked an stabbed upwards at the wing, getting the soft tissue underneath. The force field provented Shadowrang from getting hurt but Derrick had made it so that if I did strike Shadowrang's wing from beneath, his whole wing would go numb, and it did. 

Shadowrang rawed in surprise. He hopped sideways and tried to flap his wing, getting some feeling back into it, but before he did I took the chance. As Shadowrang was distracted I ran at him. Shadowrang saw me coming and spread his wing, trying to get me with the back of it. Unfortunatly it was his numb wing and it only stretched halfway. Shadowrang stumbled as the one outstretched wing made him unbablanced. I jumped up and over his wing, which was quite easy because Shadowrang was so small. I landed on his back and grabbed onto Shadowrang's horns. 

Shadowrang roared and reared up, trying to shake me off. I held on tight and hefted my sword up, then stabbed at Shadowrang's neck. If the blade had been unprotected then Shadowrang would have had a blade through his neck. 

I continued to slash and stab at Shadowrang, knocking the poor dragon to the ground every time. Finally I just put my blade against his neck.

"Give up?" I asked.

Shadowrang just grunted. I smiled and rubbed his head before hopping off his back. 

"Okay," I said to Derrick, "What's next?"

"Call your dragon here," said Derrick.

I nodded, 'Hey, Reflamen come here.'

Reflamen lumbed over.

Imagination BK1: The Forbidden Blade (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now