Chapter 35: Reflamen's New Powers

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I pressed my self as low as I could over Reflamen's back. He was flying fast, very fsat, and it was all I could do to hold on. The saddle helped a lot. It kept me in place with two straps around my legs. 

We had been flying for around half an hour before the city came into view. It was exactly how I imagined it, the red haze, fires everywhere, but I still couldn't see the main battle, even though the hundreds of dragons in the sky were quite obvious.

'Okay,' I said, 'You know that wall that the Resistance are trying to break through.'

'Yeah,' said Reflamen slowly.

'I want you to blow a fireball at it, and put as much power into it as possible,' I said.

'Okay,' said Reflamen.

He started ti charge up a fireball, keeping it in his mouth until the second he was able to unleash it. 

We got closer and closer to the wall. I managed to make out details off the battle. The Resistance were attacking again, trying to get those ladders up the wall, but eveytime they did a soldier just pushed it off. Occasoinally a dragon swooped down and let loose a torrent of fire on the wall. 

'That metal must be extremely hot by now,' said Reflamen.

'I know, almost at melting point,' I said. 

Bodies littered the battle field, both on the wall and off, but overall, the Resistance had lost the most losses. They seemed to pile up on each other at the base of the wall, some points they were almost a metre high.

The Resistance camp that we were at wasn't the only one, there were quite a few others around, each with there own leader and group of dragon riders. They had all met together to defeat the king, so there were thousands of Resistance fighters, but they were nothing compared to the kings army, which is where the allies came in. They had almost five thousand men in there army, and one thousand archers, so they were helping a lot.

I noticed we were converging on the wall.

'Okay Reflamen,' I said, 'Now!'

Reflamen let loose the fireball he had held in his mouth for the past couple of minutes. When it came out it was a very different colour. Instead of the normal yellow orang fire, it was pure red, not another colour within it. When it hit the wall the fireballs explosion was so massive, that it covered nearly a quarter of the hole wall. Anyone within the radious of the blast was throughn back almost a hundred metres, except the Resistance, dragons had the ability to control there fire so that it didn't hurt certain people, which is why it was so useful in battle.

Reflamen hovered in one spot, looking towards the wall. As the smoke cleared we saw that what had once been the wall. There was nothing left except a backened pile of rubble on the other side of the wall, which had landed in many different places. Everyone was so surprised that they just stood in one place.

"Well come on!" I yelled, "Reflamen didn't blast open that wall for nothing you no!"

Everyone looked up at me. A crossbow bolt was flung towards me, which I deflected with a thought. I sighed when no one moved, even the guards were staring at me and Reflamen.

"I know,' I thought, "CHARGE!"

I  summoned my two swords to my hand. Reflamen flapped once in the air and propelled us towards the guards. The Resistance was shaken out of there trance. One person lifted there sword and yelled, "Charge."

Soon the cry was heards from miles around as the Resistance poored into the gap created by Reflamen. The soldiers on the other side were still recovering from the shock, especially since around one hundred of them were killed with that blast, and almost two hundred injuries. They didn't stand a chance.

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