19. False Accusations

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In April of this year, Hope Wade was murdered in cold blood on Babuba beach

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In April of this year, Hope Wade was murdered in cold blood on Babuba beach. Just two months later on June 18th, her twin sister, Leila Wade went missing.

Hope's murder was solved quickly. Oliver Tinley (pictured below) was locked up in the Brooksbank County Jail. Up until yesterday, the FBI considered the Hope case closed and had all their resources directed to finding Leila.

Then they found connection between the two events.

In a striking piece of evidence from the Hope case, a motive has been found to kidnap Leila.

They now have reason to believe that Oliver Tinley, the man held responsible for Hope's murder, is innocent, due to evidence submitted by Amanda Corey, the twins' best friend.

They now have reason to believe that Oliver Tinley, the man held responsible for Hope's murder, is innocent, due to evidence submitted by Amanda Corey, the twins' best friend

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Oliver Tinley, 20, may have been falsely accused of murder.

In an attempt to find her friend Leila, Amanda Corey submitted Leila's journal to headquarters. She claims she's had this journal in her possession since the night Leila went missing. Details of this evidence cannot be revealed, other than the fact that it has given the FBI a glimpse into Leila's head after the tragic murder of her twin sister.

Detectives have changed their course of action and are looking into the matter further.

With the possibility of a cold-blooded killer on the loose, the police have issued an official legal order to ensure the safety of all Brooksbank County residents.

FBI investigator, Rob Bantler told NBC News: 'Anyone who has known Oliver Tinley personally must call (999) 999-9999 and answer all questions for a brief interview that will be conducted.'

'This is an official order and if anyone is suspected of concealing information or denying association, severe penalties will be accrued.'

'If anyone has sighted Leila, please contact us as well.'

The FBI hopes to close this case quickly to focus on other matters.

More news on where this newly-found information leads will be released soon.


I feel like we're two-thirds of the way through with this story, but who knows what further crazy ideas I'll come up with? I have a lot I want to do so there may or may not be a sequel.

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