10 - Dance of the sun and the moon

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(Darish's PoV)

I am helpless to intervene as Zane pulls Elle into the water and she seems to have some sort of panic attack. He quickly gets her back out again and supports her as she coughs up lake water.

Her first words are, "Zane, please tell me you have some clothes on."

"Would it be a problem if I did not?" he responds.

"I think I am already traumatised enough."

That glimmer of humour has me relieved that she is going to be alright. I wrap a towel around myself and thrust one into Zane's hands, then kneel beside Elle and drape another around her shoulders.

I search her eyes and am saddened by the pain I detect. "You have seen too much death for one so young."

"He was too young to die," she says and bursts into tears.

She buries her head against my chest and I look to Zane for guidance, for he is far better at comforting females than I. He gestures encouragingly and I tentatively put my arms around her. Somehow it feels right. I find it safer not to let people get to close and wonder how this girl has slipped so easily under my defenses.

She pulls away slightly and wipes her eyes. "I'm sorry. You are probably regretting taking me on."

Zane puts one arm around me and the other around her to form a loose circle. "That is foolish talk. We three are partners now."

She gives him a weak smile of gratitude, which morphs to an expression of horror at the sight of the scratch marks on his shoulders. "Did I do that?"

"Worry not, I heal fast," Zane responds with a wink. "Until then I will say that they are from a night of passion."

She pokes him in the chest. "Just so that we are crystal clear. I am very grateful to you, but I will never be that grateful."

I smile to myself. Could we have found the one female that is immune to his charms?

Once I am clothed, I unwind my wet bandage and examine the wound on my arm. It is still raw, but the skin is already starting to knit together. Like all elves, I heal quickly, but this is fast, even for me.

"I hope that it doesn't scar too badly," Elle says and gently applies the salve that the healer gave me.

My skin tingles at her touch and I wonder if she has healing magic. There is little time to ponder her abilities, for Zane waves a rolled up map at us and calls out, "Elle, do you want to see our route around the Rainbow Isles? We will spend a little over two moon touring the islands and selling our wares in the markets. There are eight islands in total; seven orbiting the central one."

At her eager smile, he rolls out the map and weighs down the corners. He touches a finger to each island and gives a little commentary.

"Our first stop will be the Amber Isle. It is famous for ceramics, which are renowned throughout the realm of Elysium.

"Then we will go to the Citrine Isle, which is a mainly an agricultural island. They have some great restaurants and there is also an active leather trade.

"Next is the Sapphire Isle, which is a large and beautiful island with many lakes. It is one of Roth's favourites.

"Then we go to the central Diamond Isle, which is the heart of the kingdom and its administrative centre. We will be there in time for the Lammas Festival so will spend longer there.

"We will move onto the Lapis Isle, which is the smallest island and filled with groves of mulberry trees. The silks are particularly sought after by the elves. Then the Amethyst Isle, which is the kingdom's spiritual and healing centre.

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