64 - A rolling stone

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(Elissa's PoV)

Morpheus simply vanishes into the night and I stand there staring out until a shiver of cold sends me scurrying inside. I have no idea what just happened. Well apart from the fact that I was a complete idiot. He cast some kind of spell over me. I didn't understand the words he used, nevertheless, I felt their power.

Blood bound! It really doesn't sound good.

I run upstairs and rummage around in my underwear drawer until my fingers snag on a leather cover. I don't particularly relish reading the 'black book'. However, what is the saying? Know thy enemy. I need to find out what I'm up against.

Agitated, I roughly flick through the book, starting from the front and my eyes scan for the term 'blood bound'. The first few pages actually look quite interesting and are all about elven history and the workings of the court, but I don't have time for that right now.

I stop when I get to the bit on courtship and start to feel rather nauseous. Apparently, the male should offer gifts to the female he is courting as a gesture of his esteem. A collar, cuff or ring are all highly recommended.

It gets worse. A blood bond is a sacred, life-long bond made between two elves, one that can only be broken through death. It sounds tantamount to an engagement. I can't believe that slippery bastard tricked me into this. I hurl the book across the room.

Sorry Grandmother! She could never abide swearing, but in this instance, I think I am justified. Ok, if I'm being completely honest, then I have to admit that Morpheus does have a kind of magnetism. But, and this is a big but, that does not mean I want to be shacked up with him for eternity.

I am in such trouble. If I do not get away, I am completely screwed. Literally! I pace the room, fretting and am so absorbed in my thoughts that I don't hear my bedroom door opening.

"Daughter dearest, what troubles you so?" I start at the sound of my father's voice.

"I need to leave. I can't stay here," I blurt out and I feel dreadful to bring such a wounded expression to his face.

"Are you so very unhappy here?" His shoulders sag.

"No, I'm not. It's not you. I love living with you, it's just the rest and I've done something stupid." My gaze travels over to the black book lying rakishly on the floor. "I have inadvertently gotten myself blood bound."

"You have done, what?" His voice steadily rises in volume and he appears even angrier than he did upon hearing about that incident with Nero.

I bury my head in my hands and mumble, "I'm sorry. I'm so naïve. I didn't know."

"No, it is I that should be apologising. I am not angry with you. You are not old enough to have made such a decision. Who dared to instigate this?" A twisted smile curls on his face. "There is one way to sever such a bond."

This scary side of my father is unsettling. I may not want the king, but recognise that he is important to Elysium, so explain, "It's Morpheus."

"Ahh." Father takes a sharp intake of breath. "Never fear, I will protect you. I will not allow you to be alone with him."

"That will not stop him because he can just freeze you if he wishes to be alone with me."

"Freeze me?"

"He does this thing where you go like a statue."

"If I cannot protect you, then mother can. There is hope. If you find one who makes your soul sing, then they can make a counter claim with a soul bond. It is what we elves all ultimately seek."

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