63 - Bound in blood

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(Morpheus's PoV)

"Once there was a king. He was the last of his line. Over a thousand solars he waited, alone and bound by chains of responsibility. Each solar the realm lost a little more of its colour and he learned not to feel. He gave up hope.

Then one night, a lost princess found her way to his castle. Like a light, she illuminated his darkness." I take Elissa's hand and place her palm against my chest. "She unfroze his heart."

She stares into my eyes, right through me into the empty, dark recesses of my soul. I smirk, yet my nerves twang as taut as a bowstring. She has made me start to feel again and without meaning to, has stripped away my defences one by one, leaving me exposed.

Cradling her hand in mine, I lower my gaze and place a kiss into her palm. Fear prickles through me like needles. I will be devastated if my suspicions are unfounded and yet possibly even more terrified if they are correct.

My other hand falls like a gavel, for judgement will be served. Everything fades as the first note rises up, a bass thrum of my soul's yearning. There is silence, a sickening silence before there is an answering trilling like the delicate strings of a harp. More and more sounds join the chorus as silken strands of music weave around and through us.

Trembling, I break contact and instantly feel bereft. It is as I hoped and feared. She just made my soul sing. Should one person have that much power over me?

My vision blurs and I blink away the moisture in my eyes. This will not do. I need to be in control.

Vulnerable, my instincts are to protect myself and I look to Elissa. Her eyes are a glazed and her lips a little parted. Now I really want to kiss her. She also looks close to fainting, so I slide to the floor and pick up her legs, gently placing them lengthways on the chaise.

Look at me kneeling before her. Yet again, who should I worship if not my future queen?

I restart my tale, "This King was ever so wicked. He could not resist a rose so sweet and was determined to ensnare his princess."

With a flourish of my hand, metal tendrils grow from the frame of the chaise, wrapping around her arms and securing them them in place. A metal rose blooms at each wrist. Elissa tries to move, however, is bound tight.

A wave of her fear washes over me. This is not what I want. I may be wicked, but I am not a monster like Nero. I have never had an unwilling partner nor an unsatisfied one. "Please relax."

"Are you freaking kidding me? How can I relax when you have me trussed up?"

I love the way her eyes sparkle when she is angry. That combined with the slight flush on her cheeks, makes me imagine what she will look like when overwhelmed with passion.

Teasing, I allow tendrils of my magic to ripple across her skin. I sense her magic stir, stretching like a lazy feline. It knows that I would not harm her, otherwise those claws would be out and I would be shredded.

Evidently, she is not at one with her magic, for she yanks against her restraints and pleads, "Please release me."

I hold back a groan. "I can assure you my rose, nothing would please me more than to assist in your sweet release."

"Morpheus!" she chastises. "Why are you doing this?" Her face is a picture of puzzlement as if she has no concept of the thrall she has cast upon me.

"You doubt my interest?"

One of the metal briars unwinds and I capture her wrist, sliding her hand down my body to the one part that is exceptionally eager to meet her.

Elissa's innocent eyes widen when she realises what she has awoken and she blurts out, "Oh my god, you're huge."

The Light of Elysiumजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें