72 - Dreams

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Elissa's PoV

One minute I am having a lovely breakfast with Zane and the next moment the world tilts.

I am standing in the gardens of the last inn Darish and I stayed in. The sky has that monochrome look of pre-dawn. The trees sway in a wind that I do not feel and a red dragon swoops down, landing between me and the building.

A leather-clad figure jumps down. It's Zane. I call out, but he doesn't respond and simply rushes into the inn. I try to follow yet cannot move. It seems that I am merely an observer to this scene.

Zane reappears, practically dragging Darish, who is still in his pyjamas.

"I really must protest, Zane. What on Elysium is the matter?"

"I will explain once we are airborne."

I watch them take off. It is all rather bemusing until a low rumbling like distant thunder pulls my attention to the road. Five black horses are galloping towards me, the black cloaks of the riders billowing behind them. Within the shadowy hood of the lead rider there glimmers a pair of glacial blue eyes. Somehow, I know its not Nero's captain. Still, I shiver.

I blink and find myself gazing up into Zane's face. The vision has me jolting upright as if I've just received an electric shock. "Darish!"

"It is alright, Little one. I have you."

"Please, Zane." I grab his arm. "Please, you have to go to him."

"I do not have time to go on a fool's errand. I am to accompany you."

I stand, placing my hands on my hips and the air between us shimmers like a heatwave. "You will rescue him and you will leave this morning."

The corner of one lip twitches. "Are you this commanding in bed?"

I burst out laughing and a wave of anger washes over me. It's not mine, nor his. For a moment I'm perplexed and then very slowly turn, to be greeted by a vast expanse of rippling abdominal muscle. Heat rushes to my cheeks and I avert my gaze.

I focus on Zane. "I just had a vision. There is a band of dark elves after Darish, but you and Roth got, or will get there in time. You need to go to the place where he," I jerk a thumb over my shoulder at the underdressed warrior, "kidnapped, I mean picked me up."

There is an uncomfortable silence. Zane's eyes glaze slightly, probably due to him conversing with Roth.

I exhale a shaky breath when he eventually nods. "We would prefer to travel with you, but Roth says that if you need us to fetch 'the elf' then we will do your bidding. I suppose I had better get ready."

He ruffles my hair, just like old times and I choke. We have only just been reunited and now we are being torn apart again.

"Perhaps we could all meet up in Babylon?" I ask hopefully.

"You can count on it," Zane affirms.

I watch him go and quickly wipe away a stray tear. A hand lands on my shoulder and I almost jump out of my skin. How could I have forgotten about Mr Chippendale?

"We should also make ready to leave." Kai's voice is uncommonly soft.


All day I've been subdued, for each mile takes me further into the unknown and further away from my friends. One small mercy is that Kai has been less growly, oh, and he trusts me enough that I have my own room.

The air is thick, verging on suffocating and the room is smothered in shadows, but it's not so dark that I can't recognise my old bedroom. I fumble for the light switch, even though it never works in this nightmare.

The Light of ElysiumOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz