75 - Ostara

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Kai's PoV

It is foolish. I should be pleased that I am free from my obligations to the girl and yet I cannot shake her presence from my mind.

Apparently there was some mishap at the Ostara ceremony this morning. Something to do with Elissa. Antares's news does little to divert my mind.

Before I am even aware of moving, my feet are taking me to her room. I have to battle the inclination to batter the door down and try not to thump too hard with my fist.

The door opens to reveal a female servant. "How may I help you, my Lord?"

There is open admiration in the woman's eyes, which is just irritating. I manage to keep my voice even. "Is the princess here? She mentioned wanting a tour of the gardens."

"She is with the Queen."

I stride off to the queen's chambers. Seraphina welcomes me in, and we catch up over a private lunch.

Despite not wanting to appear interested, I nevertheless cave in and ask her, "Have you seen the princess?"

"She is sleeping in my room. She was overwhelmed by Ishtar's fire."

The words are like a punch to the guts, stealing my breath and filling my head with images of Elissa's burnt body. What could she have done to have caused Ishtar's wrath?

Seraphina gives a pained smile. "You misunderstand. Ishtar bestowed her blessing on the princess this morning."

My lip curls in disbelief. "She is not a Dragonite."

Seraphina's face tightens and she swallows. Her arms are bare of any marks and it seems our goddess chose once again not to bless my queen. That a stranger was chosen above her must have stung. I cup her face with my hand.

"Sera, I am sorry."

Her curves press into my body as her lips seek mine. She kindled my fire once and we are sometime lovers. However, right now her kiss does not raise even the slightest flicker from my flames, and I am unable to return her ardour.

There is an awkward moment, which is interrupted by a messenger. "Your Majesty. The High King requests an audience."

Seraphina's jaw clenches, but she nods and rises, walking over to an adjacent room. Given that she leaves the door ajar, I take this as a sign that she does not deem it a private conversation.

"My dearest Seraphina. You have the girl?" the king asks in a pleasant tone, as if he were not talking about a person but a thing to be bartered.

"Yes, I have the princess."

"Good. I shall be taking her off your hands soon."

I find myself at the doorway in time to see the greasy king rubs his hands together.

"I think it best if she remains here as my guest," Seraphina responds sweetly, yet her stance holds the threat of a blade.

"Alas, I already have plans for her to come to Avalon."

"That may not be well received by the elven court. Queen Celestia will not be pleased."

Lucifer is unperturbed. "Worry not about my mother. I will deal with her."

"It is not only the elven court that favours the girl. Many of the courts insist on her safety, my own included."

His confident façade seems to waver for a moment. "I can assure you that Elissa's safety is of the uppermost importance to me. I have already dispatched sufficient men to ensure that she is delivered to me without any trouble."

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