28 - Falling

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(Aren's PoV)

I stare into my tankard; the ale tastes sour on my tongue. My thoughts lie elsewhere; with the girl with hair like moonlight. Conall elbows me in the side, interrupting my reverie.

Leo flops down into the seat beside me, looking thoroughly dejected. "Gawain has given me a thorough lecture." He runs his fingers through his hair. "Aren, I am truly sorry for my behaviour."

"It is not me that you need to apologise to. Nero took a particular interest in her. It was sickening." My hands clench to fists, then relax as I am caught in wistful thought. "Despite her suffering, she was so kind."

"Well, she certainly has a cheeky tongue on her."

I grab Leo's arm. "Brother, she does not know who we are. I do not wish to lose that. I wish to be looked upon for who I am, not the title."

Leo scoffs, "How can she not know?"

When I explain how Elissa grew up in another world, he buries his head in his hands and groans.

"I recall father remarking on a unicorn appearing with a girl. Such an unusual occurrence! It was just after you were captured and it slipped my mind. Do you think that she will forgive me?"

"You could try going down on your knees," Conall pipes in cheekily.

We both turn and give him a disapproving look.

Leo frowns. "Aren, I will not say anything during our travels, however, once we get to Arcadia, you will have to address this."

A serving girl bustles around our table, diligently wiping the table under my drink. I look away as her ample bosom gets a bit too close.

"You have it bad, cousin." Conall shakes his head. "That lass was making eyes at you. It is not like you not to notice. Mind you, that Elissa is a fine young thing. I would not mind chancing my luck, if it is not serious."

"Touch her and ..."

Conall bursts out laughing. "Relax, cousin. I am only jesting."

"Aren, just how serious is this?" Leo asks.

"I feel like I am falling and I cannot stop, but neither do I wish to."


Our capital city of Arcadia is spread out in the lush green valley before us; widely spaced homes interspersed with gardens and parks. On the far hill sits a large honey coloured castle, surrounded by woodland.

Home. My spirits are lifted by the sight; one I dreamt of night after night as a captive.

Standing beside me, admiring the view, Elissa sighs. "It is so beautiful. Can you see your house from here?"

I feel my cheeks warming. "Actually, we live in the castle." I try to shrug nonchalantly.

"You live in the castle?" she repeats in astonishment.

"All the young men from noble families come to court for a time."

Although I cannot see Leo, I can feel the disapproval radiating off of him. Despite their disastrous first meeting, my brother and Elissa have really hit it off over the past few days. Even Gawain, who is normally reserved, seems to have taken a protective shine to her.

She made the first move with Leo, apologising then consuming an enormous breakfast, which had us all laughing because we could not fathom where she put it all.

"So, what do you do at court?" she asks.

Before I can reply, Leo interjects, "Not much."

I ignore my brother. "I guess that you could say that we are in training to serve king and country. We study combat, strategy, history, politics, etiquette and even the arts."

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