25 - White Water

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(Elissa's PoV)

I am a lone pale figure, suspended in black water; above me the dark sky is devoid of moon and stars. Skeletal fingers grasp at my ankles. Kicking frantically, I try to shake them off, but they drag me under, down into the cold, inky depths.

Through the water, I can see Nero standing on the bank, his black cloak billowing and two black wolves howling by his feet.

Lungs screaming for air, I desperately struggle to get free. There is the screech of a raptor and talons pierce my shoulders.

I awake with a gasp and sit bolt upright, my heart pounding. Aren, now a man stares at me, his blue eyes wide with alarm

I look at him shyly. "It was just a nightmare. I'm sorry that I woke you."

"Elissa, please do not concern yourself. It does not hurt to get an early start." He pulls me upright and goes to wrap an arm around me.

"I am alright now," I lie, still shaken.

"Please let me hold you. Before, I could not protect you from those monsters. I could not offer you comfort."

He pulls me against him, holding me tightly and I feel safe in his arms. I cannot bear to think what he went through and am so glad to have him with me.

That first night when I first saw him I got such a scare, but by daylight he looks far less intimidating. He admittedly has a wild air with untamed shoulder-length blond hair, an overgrown beard, and clothes which have seen better days. But underneath he is honourable young man with a heart of gold.


I stop for a short break to catch my breath and take a swig from my water bottle. High above, the eagle wheels in the blue sky.

The pace has been far slower today, a night and day of riding having taken a toll on both of us. We have been alternating between me riding and then walking while he flies.

The last few miles have been quite arduous, the terrain steep and rocky. Despite this and the spectre of the elves chasing us, my spirits are high.

A dull roar grows louder as I climb higher. Finally, the ground falls steeply away to reveal the stunning sight of a waterfall cascading down into a gorge. Water droplets glow in the light of the setting sun.

The eagle lands and, moments later, Aren is standing beside me, pointing across the water to the land beyond. "That is my homeland."

I can tell by the sparkle in his sky-blue eyes, how the sight has lightened his soul.

Carefully, we climb down to the river, Aren, ever the gentleman, keeps stopping on the steeper slopes to offer me a steadying hand down.

We follow the course of the river upstream, until Aren stops to peer at the rapids. As the light is starting to fade, I assume that he must be considering stopping for the night.

I am alarmed when instead, he announces, "We should cross here."

"Are you insane?" To me it looks like an invitation to death.

The thought of trying to swim in the dangerous white water causes my breath to shorten, a sign that a panic attack is readying to strike.

Aren puts an arm around my shoulder and I gratefully lean against him, for my legs have gone like jelly. He is such a decent guy and does not push the matter or tell me I'm stupid. He simply suggests that we seek a place to camp. Luckily, we find a small cave not much further on.

Sitting on a boulder, supping on cold rabbit and apples, I marvel at the night's sky. It looks like someone has carelessly scattered glitter across a black canvas.

The Light of ElysiumOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz