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So here is where you can ask me anything to graphic related.

Here are some questions that had been frequently asked.

When did you start making graphics?

I started making covers around 2016, stopped in 2017 and started again in 2018. I wouldn't say I am an experienced person since if I add up the time I had spend on designing would be less than a month haha.

Who inspired you?

I don't believe anyone inspired me to start making graphics, it was my own guilt that forced me into graphics when I couldn't even make a nice cover for my book, same goes for trailers but after that they have been countless people that had inspired me to where I am now.

@Lotteholder Who is your favorite graphic designer at the moment?

I really don't know that because the past month I haven't been much concentrating on graphics but before that and always my inspiring graphic designer is weeknder her graphics are amazing, I have absolutely no words to describe her manipulated covers.

@Lotteholder What are your main tips for any aspiring graphic designer?

I believe that graphic designing is all about imagination, there is nothing called slapping pictures and fonts to make a cover. If you have a wonderful, amazing imagination then you already are a designer inside your own self but unfortunately if you font have that 'beautiful' mind-set then designing isn't for you. Practicing makes a man perfect! Keep practicing and learn new things everyday. Also don't forget to download software/programs that are really helpful like Photoshop, illustrator, sony vegas, final cut pro and many more.

@jaegering Would you want to be a graphic editor as an actual job

I wouldn't mind being one. As of now, I love graphic designing and there is so much to explore and learn in this platform. Having an actual job as a graphic editor would be amazing. It isn't as a tiring as other jobs and if someone is passionate about it then they should go ahead. Personally, if I had the opportunity to, I would have a job as a graphic designer.

@bella_A_Bancroft where do you mostly get your texture, PNG'S and such?

I have collected them all from deviantart, you check my profile [favorites]. most of them are added there, apart from deviantart i use google and Pinterest, there are a lot of good images anyone can work with!

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