Chapter 5

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Chelsea struggled through the next few days without Angela around. Everything seemed boring and she was so lonely. It felt as if she was living in a never-ending nightmare... nothing felt real.

Playing outside wasn't fun. Cuddling alone in bed at night wasn't fun either. Every big spoon needed a little one or it just didn't work. Bathing and eating alone wasn't fun. She felt empty and lost.

The doctor suggested that it wasn't a good idea for her to visit with Angela, fearing that Chelsea would fall ill again. Chelsea's heart ached when her mother gently broke the news to her. She felt as if she couldn't breathe. Her eyes grew bigger with each blink, with each second that the news took to sink in and make sense.

The sobs that escaped her were from a place so deep inside that it felt as if they ripped her open on their way up, before exploding into a horrific sound she didn't recognise.

"But Mommy you promised I could!" was all that Chelsea managed to get out before bolting towards her bedroom and collapsing into a pile of pillows on her bed. Poor Sir Mittens, the cat, barely had time to get out of the way. But he did and then quietly jumped back up onto the bed as soon as Chelsea had landed, and cuddled up next to her. He too was missing Angela terribly and did not leave Chelsea's side since she got home from the hospital.

"Oh, Sir Mittens, what will we do without her?" whispered Chelsea into the cat's ear, knowing that his heart was also breaking without Angela near.

Chelsea stayed in her bedroom for the rest of the day, not wanting to eat or play outside. Just her and Sir Mittens, cuddling each other and wishing for a miracle.

That evening, around 8pm, Chelsea heard the house phone ring, but thought nothing of it.

A few minutes later, she happened to walk past her parents' bedroom and heard her mother whispering on the phone, sniffing. She quickly peeped inside and saw her mother sitting on the edge of the bed, wiping streams of tears from her cheeks, her head hanging low.

It was as if time stood still. Chelsea knew exactly what the phone call was about. She knew that Angela couldn't hold on anymore, she'd had to go home to Jesus.

Chelsea walked into her parents' bedroom, put her hand in her mother's, and laid her little head on her mother's shoulder as it shook. This tender, loving act only made her mother sob louder and deeper, for now she knew that her daughter was aware of Angela's passing. Her mother also knew the damaging effect this loss would have on Chelsea, not only now, but for years to come.

Chelsea would always remember this moment as the moment that her heart broke in a way that would never be mended. For Angela had a piece of her heart that no one will ever see again. A place that she would never give anyone access to, ever again.


"Are you dressed and ready to go, my Love?" Asked Chelsea's father as he knocked on her bedroom door and popped his head inside.

It was the day of Angela's funeral. One they all knew would be difficult for everyone involved, especially Chelsea.

"Yes Daddy, I'm dressed and ready to go," answered Chelsea in a soft voice. Her father could see how pale she was looking and knew that she probably spent the entire night crying in bed.

They drove in silence to the church where the service was being held. All deep in thought with memories of Angela, her beautiful smile and laughing eyes.

When they reached the church Chelsea's father easily found the parking bay reserved for them by Angela's parents.

There were so many people and everyone seemed to be speaking at the same time.

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