Chapter 28

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Chelsea ended up pinching herself rather often over the next few weeks. It hadn't yet sunk in that she and Hank were engaged and that her happily ever after was about to begin.

Her mind raced with wedding ideas and plans, so much so that she often felt that her lists had lists.

Chelsea and Hank would sit and discuss ideas over dinner, his heart swelling with pride to think that she would soon be his wife. If it were up to him, they would be married the very next weekend, but he didn't want to begrudge Chelsea the joy of planning a dream wedding.

"Are you having fun, Sweetheart?" he stopped Chelsea mid-sentence one evening as they were discussing wedding plans over dinner.

"I am," blushed Chelsea, "but to be quite honest, I've actually been wondering if we shouldn't rather just have an intimate wedding. Just us and a few friends and family members. How would you feel about that?"

Hank took Chelsea's hands over the table and kissed her knuckles, each individually, as he wondered how he could be so lucky to have found her.

"Well, you won't believe this, but I was actually thinking the same thing today. We aren't the kind of people who enjoy big, fancy affairs. We are private, simple people. All I need is you, no-one else needs to be there... okay, maybe the pastor... he would also need to be there." Hank pulled a funny face and Chelsea couldn't help but laugh at him. She loved that even the stressful task of planning a wedding was easy and fun with Hank by her side.

"Okay then," announced Chelsea, "it's official. No big, fancy wedding! Wow, now that we've made the decision and I've said it out loud I actually feel so relieved and less stressed." Chelsea could feel her shoulders relax just a little bit more.

Chelsea and Hank continued their dinner, chatting about the odd small details that would need to be arranged for their perfectly private wedding.

By the time they were almost finished with dessert, Chelsea had a wicked smirk on her face.

"And what is that face about?" asked Hank, almost bracing himself for the answer.

"I have an amazing idea," giggled Chelsea, as she finished off her last piece of cheesecake, "why don't we get married next weekend?"

Hank choked on his mouthful of cheesecake and needed to drink some of his coffee before he could answer. "Are you being serious right now? Next weekend?"

"Yes," radiated Chelsea, "I'm ready. Aren't you?" Chelsea batted her eyelids at Hank, feigning innocence.

"Yes, of course I'm ready... but aren't there still too many arrangements to sort out? Things to still put in place?" Hank was surprised by how excited Chelsea was and was all for the idea. He was just a little afraid that she would rush and not have her special day end up being how she really wanted it to be.

Hank's heart was put at ease when he saw nothing but peace in Chelsea's eyes. His heart knew that their decision for an intimate wedding, as well as the timing thereof, was perfect.

Hank got up, walked over to Chelsea and kissed the top of her head. "Sweetheart, thanks so much, dinner was lovely... as always. Alright if I start with the dishes, whilst you get the things ready for our evening Bible study?"

"Of course, my Love. Will you please put the kettle on? I think I'll make us a nice pot of camomile tea." Chelsea was so grateful that Hank suggested doing Bible study together. It was something her and Jonathan never did. It was important to her, as she knew that God needed to be the head of every relationship.

Chelsea's time over the next few days was mostly taken up by the few wedding arrangements which needed attention. She had narrowed it down to booking their pastor, inviting both their parents, a few snacks, a small elegant cake and their outfits. She had opted not to wear a wedding dress as she felt it would be far too over-the-top for their intimate affair they had planned.

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