Chapter 24

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Over the next few months, Chelsea spent all her free time snuggled in her private corner at A Little Piece of Heaven, researching all that she could, after reading Grace's biography from cover to cover.

She was amazed at how Grace had found meaning to life after so many years of pain and depression. She knew, deep down in her heart, that if Grace could do it so could she.

"I'm going to have to start charging you rent soon," laughed Hank as he greeted Chelsea and joined her at her table, carrying a mug of coffee for each of them.

Chelsea's cheeks tingled as they turned a light shade of pink. How is this man able to affect me like this? she wondered to herself.

"Hi Hank," she greeted praying that she didn't sound as nervous as she felt. "Thank you, coffee is just what I needed. How are you today?"

"Much better now that my favourite customer is here," teased Hank, amused how he could make her blush so easily. "Still busy with your research?"

"You know me," giggled Chelsea, happy that Hank could always make her feel at ease. "There is so much valuable information here and I just know that I'll soon find my purpose in life. I'm really lost as to what I should be doing with my life. I love my work, but it's not feeding my soul like it should. I just feel like something is missing. That I can do so much more, be so much more."

Hank slowly nodded as Chelsea spoke, completely understanding her situation. "I've been there too, so I completely understand what you're going through. I felt so lost for so long, not knowing what to do with my life. Yes, I was a successful lawyer, but I had nothing to show for it. That's when my passion for books reignited and it was revealed to me that I should open up A Little Piece of Heaven, so that others could hopefully find their passion or calling in the books I sell."

Chelsea, intrigued by this handsome and highly intelligent man, was keen to know more about him. "So, Hank Preston, you know so much about me... I think it's only fair that you tell me a bit more about yourself."

"Well...," started Hank, "I grew up on a farm, planting corn and raising cattle next to my dad and my two older brothers. My mom was the town's librarian, and I suppose I inherited my love for books, reading, knowledge and just generally helping people, from her. But then, when I was about 15, a large mining company bought up all the land, including ours, when they realised that it contained precious ores. My dad and the rest of the community were so ignorant when it came to what's legally allowed and what not, and the mining company took advantage of it. They did us all in, and my dad never received proper compensation for the farm... that really crushed his spirit. Seeing all the farmers being robbed like that made me decide to become a lawyer. I promised myself that I will make a difference and stand up for those who couldn't stand up for themselves. I was a lawyer for many years when I decided that this dog-eat-dog profession is not what I need to practice to accomplish what God is calling me to do. I needed to make a change. It was then that I decided to rather follow my passion of knowledge and reading, and in that way help people... To make a long story short, that's what led me here. I sold my practice in the city, moved here and opened A Little Piece of Heaven... And then I met this dream girl..." said Hank, laughing and winked at Chelsea.

Chelsea blushed, but couldn't help but feel a little envious when she noticed the fire and passion in Hank's eyes as he spoke. She wanted to feel alive like that too. She would give anything just to feel 'alive' again.

"Wow, you really do have a lot of information here. Has anything caught your eye yet or piqued your interest?" Hank was hoping that he could help Chelsea in some way. He felt so sad and helpless seeing her struggle to find her place in the world.

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