Chapter 29

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The wedding day had finally arrived. Chelsea and Hank moved into Chelsea's home as it was the better option, after taking both their needs into consideration. Hank's home was only a two-bedroom where hers was a three-bedroom with a beautiful garden. Chelsea was calmer than she'd ever been and everything was exactly as she'd planned.

With the help of her mother, Chelsea got dressed in the bedroom she now shared with Hank. Both women were quiet and savoured every moment, each little task as important as the next.

"You look absolutely beautiful," remarked her mother, as she stepped back after tying the bow at the back of Chelsea's dress, "I've never seen you look happier and I'm so grateful that Hank's come into your life. The two of you are perfect for each other. I must be honest, I initially thought that you might have rushed into a new relationship so soon after your divorce, but I was wrong and I'm sorry for any negative comments I might have made. I'm so happy that you didn't listen to my silly advice." Her mother had damp cheeks when Chelsea turned around to face her, stained by silent, happy tears.

"Oh, Mom, please don't worry about that now. I was also afraid to get involved with Hank so soon after my divorce. But God showed me that he was the one and I owed it to myself to put God's plans first. Submitting to God's wishes was the best thing I've ever done. He is so faithful, Mom, and He's opened my eyes and heart to so many new things. Things that I never dreamt I could have. I can honestly say that I've never been happier." Chelsea practically glowed as she spoke about God. Her relationship with Him is the most important part of her life and she wants everyone to know it.

Hank had made sure that the garden was flawlessly decorated for their intimate affair. They'd hired a few chairs with material covers, a red carpet and an elegant white wedding gazebo for the ceremony.

The ceremony itself was beautiful and Hank and Chelsea couldn't take their eyes off each other. They giggled like two young teenagers when the pastor said "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Even though her day was exactly as she wanted, Chelsea couldn't hide the tears in her eyes. Everyone knew the pains and the long road that she had travelled to find her happily ever after. And today, it had eventually arrived.

Hank and Chelsea spent the rest of the afternoon chatting with their guests and enjoyed the wonderful day outside in their garden. Their garden had been transformed into a fairyland. The trees were decorated with streamers and every now and then, the mirrors hanging on string, caught the sun just right and sparkled. Twinkle lights were wrapped around the big trees and the smaller ones were decorated with tinsel. The lawn was lush and green, freshly cut that morning.

Later, after all the guests had finally left, was the first time that Chelsea and Hank had a quiet moment to themselves.

"Thank you for the best day ever, my beautiful wife," whispered Hank into Chelsea's ear, as he gently wrapped his arms around his new wife. He couldn't stop staring at her all day, she looked radiant and had captured more than just his heart.

Chelsea giggled and fell as deep into Hank's arms as she could. "Only a pleasure, my handsome husband."

Chelsea snuggled deep into Hank's embrace, as she slept next to her new husband for the first time. It was the most peaceful sleep she'd had in a long time and was bound to be the first of many.

They had agreed to wait a while before going on honeymoon as Hank had a few book signings arranged at the bookstore, which he wanted to personally supervise. And Chelsea had a few cases which she didn't want to hand over to someone else to handle. It would be at least four months before they would be able to get away.

Chelsea was scheduled to see Hannah again about two months after their wedding and looked forward to hearing how she was doing. She couldn't stop thinking about Hannah's little boy either, wondering what plans God had in store for him.

She'd been praying about her desire to adopt Hannah's little boy. She needed God to reveal His plan as she didn't want to act on her desires alone. God, please show me what to do. My heart is already full of so much love for this little angel and I'm afraid to get my hopes up about adopting him, only to find out that it's not part of Your plan.

Hannah arrived on time for her appointment and knocked on Chelsea's door. She'd barely knocked on the door, before Chelsea had opened it and welcomed her inside.

After the normal appointment formalities of "come inside" and "please sit down", Chelsea looked deep into Hannah's eyes, took her hands in her own and asked "Hannah, how are you really doing? You've been constantly in my thoughts and prayers."

"I'm as well as can be, I guess" was Hannah's response, "I must admit that I was surprised when Astrid from your office called yesterday." Hannah's eyes were sad and it worried Chelsea.

"Astrid called you?" Chelsea wasn't aware of the fact and queried further. "What did she have to say? She hasn't mentioned anything to me about it."

"She called to say that she thinks she's found the perfect couple to adopt my baby." Hannah tried to feign happiness, but her voice sounded forced and gave her away.

"Oh," spluttered Chelsea, "that's good news then. I guess." She knew that she needed to sound happier for Hannah, but she wasn't. Her ears pounded and her heart beat so fast she thought it might burst out of her chest. I guess your decision has been made, God. I am Your child and will accept Your plan.

"I guess," agreed Hannah, still showing no sign of joy, "but I kind of had my heart set on something else." Hannah looked down at her hands, fiddling with a tissue which Chelsea could see had already dried quite a few tears that morning.

"I don't understand what you mean. You had your heart set on what?" Chelsea was still holding Hannah's hands, but released them to pour them both some water from the glass jug on her desk.

"I know that it's going to sound crazy, but I've been praying as you suggested I should and I think God gave me a sign. I think He revealed his plan." Hannah's eyes eventually lit up with hope.

"Oh, that's wonderful Hannah!" Chelsea was genuinely happy that Hannah had taken her advice. She had so much love for Hannah. "May I ask what God revealed to you?"

"I hope this isn't too strange, but God showed me a vision of my baby's intended parents... and it was you and Hank." Hannah's eyes searched Chelsea's and waited for a reaction, as she prayed that it would be a good one.

"It's not strange at all. I've been having the exact same vision," confessed Chelsea as tears broke free and washed over her cheeks, "I can't stop thinking about your little angel and how much Hank and I would love and care for him."

Relief washed over Hannah as she threw her arms around Chelsea's neck. Both women were in awe of God and how faithful He was.

The only question now was, what were they going to do about the legal obligations to the other couple already contacted by Astrid about Hannah's baby.


Hannah is such a strong woman, even in the situation of giving up her baby. I wonder what's going to happen about the other couple? What do you think happens next?

Please remember to comment and vote xoxo

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