Chapter 26

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Still sitting at her office desk, Chelsea kissed the photograph of Hank and continued to reminisce.

Chelsea rolled over in bed the next morning, still thinking about her perfect date with Hank the night before. A silly smile still glued to her face as she hugged her duvet tightly.

She closed her eyes, inhaled deeply, and she wished that she was still able to smell him.

Thank you Lord for wanting only the best for me.

With an excited squeal, she jumped out of bed, ready to start her day.

Chelsea was sitting at the table in her backyard, working through her research, when her doorbell rang.

She opened the front door and was greeted again by the same delivery man as before. This time he was holding a dozen long stemmed red roses.

Chelsea signed the delivery sheet and headed to her kitchen, wanting to read the note, already knowing who it was from.

Dear Chelsea

Thank you for an amazing evening. I am so grateful that you are in my life. You are a beautiful woman and I love spending time with you. I look forward to seeing you again real soon.


Chelsea was so overcome with love for Hank that she sank to her knees in tears.

Oh Lord, this man is perfect for me. Thank You for loving me so much and for bringing him into my life. Thank You for only giving me the best. Thank You for giving me the strength to let my walls down and let him in. I know that it might be too soon... but I'm falling in love with him and I'm not scared to admit it.

And for the first time in a while, she felt His presence and heard His voice.

I'm so proud of you My child. You deserve a good man. You've been through so much during your short life and even though you thought you'd turned your back on Me, you hadn't. I asked you to give him a chance and you did. He is a good man and will always love you unconditionally. You can believe that he will always only have eyes for you. I have wonderful plans for the two of you. Please trust Me.

Chelsea rose from the floor and wiped her eyes. She loved hearing God's voice and feeling Him close.

She poured herself a glass of ice tea and picked up her cellphone. Her heart pounded as she dialled Hank's number, her stomach filled with a million butterflies.

"Hi, Hank's phone," a bubbly female voice answered.

Chelsea's heart froze. Why had a female answered his cellphone? Please God not again...

Fear crept into her veins, but she decided to answer. "Hello, is Hank there please?"

"Oh dear, he seems to have left his cellphone at the bookstore. It's Kelly speaking, may I take a message?" Chelsea realised that the voice sounded familiar.

"Hi Kelly, it's Chelsea calling." Chelsea took a deep breath which relieved the fear and stopped her shaking. "I was hoping to chat to Hank. Please can you ask him to call me when he's back?"

"Hi Chelsea, of course I will. I don't know where he's gone to, but I'll be sure to give him the message as soon as he gets back. I'm sure he'll be happy that you called."

"Thank you, Kelly. Keep well." Chelsea hung up the phone, felt guilty about doubting Hank but so relieved that it was a silly misunderstanding. Her mind immediately played games with her when a female voice answered Hank's phone.

Chelsea had just finished putting her flowers in a vase when the doorbell rang again.

She was happily humming to herself as she answered the door.

Chelsea saw Hank's face and froze.

"Hello Chelsea." Hank's face was her favourite sight and his voice made her knees feel like Jello.

"Hank, what a lovely surprise!" Chelsea was so excited that he had come to see her. "I was just trying to phone you, but you forgot your cellphone at the bookstore." She could feel her cheeks burning as she spoke to him.

"Is this a bad time? I hope I'm not bothering." Hank's heart was beating like a drum. He always felt so nervous around Chelsea. Her beauty made his knees weak and all that he could think of, was being near to her.

"No of course not, you can always bother me! I'm so happy you're here. Please come in." Chelsea smiled sweetly and welcomed Hank into her home.

He followed her through to the kitchen and she poured him some ice tea to drink.

"Thank you again for a lovely evening last night," smiled Chelsea as she handed him his glass, "I had a wonderful time."

"It was my pleasure, Chelsea. I really enjoyed myself too." Hank looked a bit nervous and Chelsea couldn't help noticing.

"Is everything okay? You seem a bit out-of-sorts." Chelsea didn't want to pry, but Hank looked as if there was something that he wanted to say to her but didn't know how to broach the subject.

"Well," began Hank, nervously looking down at his hands and then at Chelsea, "I just wanted to see you to say thank you."

"Thank you? What for?" He had totally lost her. Chelsea had no idea what he had to say thank you for.

Hank put his glass down and walked closer to her. He took her hands in his and took a deep breath before looking her in the eyes. "Last night was one of the most amazing nights of my life. Being in your company makes me so happy. I just wanted to let you know how special you are and how much you mean to me."

Chelsea was taken completely off guard. Her first instinct was to guard her heart, but she decided instead to open up and be honest. "I know exactly what you mean and how you feel. I can't stop thinking about last night either. All I want is to be near you... I can't stop thinking about you."

Chelsea was about to pull away and change the subject, when Hank slowly lifted her hands and kissed the back of them as he had done the night before.

His actions were so genuine and loving, that a single tear rolled down her cheek. No one had ever loved her so purely and so honestly before.

"I know that it might seem too soon for you to hear this Chelsea, but I'm falling in love with you and I don't want to stop myself." Hank's blue eyes were searching her face, waiting for a sign of fear. But it never came.

Chelsea's face beamed with love and happiness. A few more tears broke free and gently rolled down her cheeks.

"I'm falling in love with you too Hank... and I'm not afraid anymore. But... there is something that I need to tell you." Chelsea took a deep breath and continued. "I know that you love children and so do I... but I'm not able to conceive naturally."

"Oh, Chelsea..., I need you to know that you are more than enough for me. You are all that I want... all that I need. There are so many ways to be a parent. We could even adopt if we decided to do so." Hank released Chelsea's hands, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. A kissed filled with the purest form of love that she had ever felt. A kiss full of promises. A kiss to start a future with.


This chapter shows you what is possible when you let God take the wheel. How perfect is His plans for us? Yes, He does know best and His timing is best.

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