What I See | Hinata Shoyou {Haikyuu!}

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(A/N *cough* may or not be obsessed with this Sho~Kun*cough*)


Hinata stared hazily at the ceiling as his eyes slowly opened and he came to his senses. The pale moonlight softly caressed his cheeks through the window. He looked to his side to see that something was missing. The other side of the held an empty presence where someone used to be right next to him.Going into a slight panic he shot straight up and looked around the room for any sign of his other half.

Then he heard it...The softest whimper that could just barely be heard. Then came more quiet weeping. Hinata got out of bed and followed the sounds that led him to the bathroom. The door was slightly cracked open allowing him to see inside. There was a girl standing in front of a mirror, eyes tightly shut hoping that the sight before her could vanish without a trace. Her clothes lay on the floor revealing her undergarments and bare skin. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks and fell onto her bare feet.

She gasped when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and a chin resting on her shoulder. He didn't say a word. That was the thing about Hinata. In the time that he had been dating {Name} he would sometimes show his affection with actions instead of words. He'd kiss her out of the blue without warning. He'd lay his head in her lap without asking. Whenever she was sad he wouldn't ask her what was wrong because he knew it would make her feel worse. So instead he would embrace her. Showing that her no matter what was wrong he was there for her.

"I...I hate it." She whispered with a trembling voice. "I hate living in this hideous body.I hate waking up and looking in the mirror just to see..." She opened her eyes and stared at the image in the mirror. "this.I just wish...I-I wish I wasn't me."

Hinata stared at the glass mirror. "You know what I see? I see two {eye color} eyes that sparkle like diamonds. I see an adorable round nose that wrinkles when you don't like something and always makes me laugh. I see cheeks that I love to turn pink.I see lips that are beautiful to see and soft to touch. When the corners turn up into a captivating smile it melts all my walls. It makes me know that I can endure any pain when I see you happy and smiling. A waist that feels so perfect in my arms. Theres a belly that I like to tickle." he said tickling her stomach and making the most beautiful laugh escape her lips. He turned her around and stared into her eyes with wonder.

"And I see a girl that I want to see every day for the rest of my life." He gave her a warm smile that she returned."I love you so much." she said and pressed her lips to his. They had kissed many times before but even so it felt like the first.The air seemed lighter and the world seemed to shift.

"I love you more."

(A/N Ehhhhhhh the ending is a bit rushed and he's ooc :/

But then I guess every person is ooc when they're in love)

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