For you| Yuuri Katsuki {Y!!!OI}

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requested by @StevenU_Anime

I'm always a slut for supportive relationships ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Yuuri let a sigh escape his slightly-chapped lips as he eyed his figure in the mirror. The was door shut tight so no one would see him in such a state of low self esteem. He stared into his reflection with judgmental eyes at his gut that spilled over the waistline of his grey boxers. Whenever he moved his belly would jiggle with his movements. He furrowed his brows and brought his hands up to his stomach, lightly grazing his fingertips over his soft skin. As he squished his tummy over and over like dough he thought about what Viktor and Minako and the others said to him. That he'd have to lose weight if he wanted to compete again. Sure, they didn't mean to hurt his feelings but they did leave him questioning. Was he really unattractive in this state?

His thoughts trailed to his girlfriend, {Name}, who had a similar body type. But there were huge differences between his body and hers. For starters, she was beautiful. She managed to make everything she wore look amazing on her. Another thing was that she had a hold of something that was so out of his reach.


She loved her body very much. Not caring if she didn't look attractive to the occasional judgmental loggerheaded creamweasel. Of course she had those days wear she didnt feel all that cute but usually she would be to her usual self the next morning.

Meanwhile Yuuri absolutely despised himself. He saw his body as a hideous product of failure.

Yurri let another sigh escape his lips as tears flooded his eyes and threatened to spill over. This one unintentionally louder than he intended. Unfortunately for him, {Name} was just outside the door, about to pay him a visit. As she opened the door, Yuuri was in     a state of panic. Unable to move his legs, simply covered his stomach with his arm so she wouldn't have to lay her innocent eyes on his belly.

"Yuuri is something wro-" She stopped and saw that her boyfriends eyes were puffy and red. Her {eye color} eyes softened as viewed the scene before her. It was a scenario she had knew all too well for she had done the same thing many times before. Yuuri's breath hitched, he wanted desperately to crawl into a hole to never be seen again.

"Oh baby, do you want to talk?" She said with empathy trailing her soft voice. Yuuri had always thought that couples calling eachother "baby" was kind of gross but it always sounded so comforting when the name came from her.

He reluctantly nodded and she closed the door behind her, walking next to him and staring at the mirror with him. After a slightly awkward silence he spoke. " you think I'm ugly?" he asked  as he look at the ground voice starting to crack. She turned to him and protested. "Of course not!" She blushed a little and hesitated."Sometimes I find it very hard not to stare at you." She grabbed his hands and rubbed his palms with her thumbs."I actually really like your body type. I get this sense of safety when I'm with you." A pink hue was now painted on Yuuri's cheeks. {Name} always had the knack for making him nervous.

She turned back to the mirror with saddened eyes, still holding his hand. " I used to do this too, ...alot actually" she admitted, much to Yuuri's suprise. "Do you know how I came to love my body?" He shook his head and hummed to say no.

She brought her hand up to the mirror infront of her, trailing her fingertips over the glass. "I realized: This is me. Whether I like it or not, this is my body. And my body actually really likes me. It does all it can to make sure that I function properly and I don't get hurt. It makes sure I eat on time. It tells me when it's time to take a break and it makes sure I breath when I sleep. It heals broken bones and it works to make sure my cuts stop bleeding. I've spent all this time hating it when it never stopped loving me. After that I had a different look on it. And eventually, the mirror seemed to change...I looked beautiful."

Another silence filled the air but this time it was comforting. "Do you think you're going to continue skating?" she asked turning to him. "Yeah, I really want to" he answered squeezing the soft hand in his. She squeezed back "That's really good. I love watching you skate."

She brought her hands up to his chubby cheeks, rubbing her thumbs over them. "Listen to me Yuuri,"She said, staring into his chocolate eyes with determination. "Don't you ever change for anyone else. If you want to lose weight, it has to be for you. Not for me. Not for Viktor. Not for anybody." He looked at her with shock at first but nodded. "I'll support you, Yuuri. I'm going to help in every way I can. I promise. And when all is said and done I'll make you my own pork cutlet bowls, just for you." She gave him a sweet smile. Yuuri could tell from the look in her eyes that she was very serious.


Over the next few months, Yuuri and {Name} worked very hard. Yurri would run around town every single day. Sometimes {Name} would join him but it always made him feel bad because his stamina was alot better than hers and she would end up getting tired halfway through. Though after those days they would both sit in the hot springs together. {Name} did extensive research and came up with recipes that were healthy and still delicious. Cooking them for him regularly. He had ended up losing 34 pounds.

Yuuri stood at the edge of the rink. He turned back to look at {Name}. Though the sound of the screaming audience drowned out her beautiful voice, her pink lips formed shapes and mouthed the words to him.

"This is what all your hard work was for, Yuuri."


I'm sorry if you guys think these are too short and also that I have slow updates ehhh >:0

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