Bad Horror Movie Remake

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Currently, everything in life Maya wanted to avoid was located in the same place. She didn't want to see her lying friends, or deal with the pitying stares of people pretending to care about her well being, and she definitely didn't want to face Jackson when he was sober. Instead of facing the world, cuddling up on the couch and watching TV sounded like a much better option. Maya wasn't proud of milking her traumatic experience to get out of dealing with her issues, but she was intelligent enough to not fall behind in school if she missed another day.

It had been a glorious day involving no phones and no internet. It was just Maya, her TV, and no interruptions as she lazed around in her pajamas all day. Her dads and brother had come home to her surrounded by blankets, clutching onto a bowl of popcorn as she binged watched more Supernatural. They didn't say anything though because even if Maya claimed she was over the animal attack, her family could still see the terror in her eyes despite her denial.

She was onto her fourth disc of Supernatural when she decided to finally check her phone, figuring it might be good to let Allison know she was still alive and not taking up residency in Eichen House. The light on her phone flickered on, beeping as several messages popped up on the screen. Most were from Allison, though a couple were from Jackson which made Maya blush, flashing back to his drunken visit. One text message in particular caught her eye since she didn't recognize the number. Her thumb hovered over it momentarily as she debated whether or not to open it. With a sigh, she pressed down, opening up the message.

Stiles and I need to talk to you, we're done with all of the lies. Meet us at the school ASAP -Scott

Maya hesitated, reading the vague message again. Something didn't sit right with her, she couldn't understand why Scott and Stiles would be at school this late at night, let alone ask her to meet them there. But no matter how weird it seemed, it was an opportunity for answers. Frowning, she looked towards the stairs and strained her ears, trying to hear if her dads or Darren were still up. Not hearing anything the brunette walked over and grabbed her coat. I'm really going to regret this decision later, but I'm sick of being kept in the dark she thought while she laced up her shoes. Picking up her car keys, Maya headed outside and tried to mentally prepare herself for whatever was about to happen.


The school was completely dark when Maya's car pulled up in the parking lot. Getting out, the Williams girl didn't see Scott and Stiles, so she wandered over to the double doors nearby hoping the two idiots were inside. The doors creaked open making Maya jump at the erie noise, something about being at the school late at night screamed horror movie plot to her. It was completely silent in the hallway, no sign of Scott or Stiles having been there. With a huff, the brunette headed down the hallway, interrupting the silence with the sound of her footsteps echoing in the corridor.

Coming to a stop by the cafeteria, Maya shrugged, deciding to look around a little bit. Moonlight filtered in through the window, creating some light that made it slightly easier to see than in the dark hallways. As she walked closer to the window, a lot of commotion was coming from outside the door. Moving back to investigate, she was knocked to the ground as the door collided into her. Scott, Stiles, Allison, Jackson, and Lydia rushed inside in a panic, none of them noticing their injured friend on the ground.

"Help me get this in front of the door!" Scott told the group, trying to block off the Alpha's entrance.

Stiles turned around, seeing the windows that apparently no one else had noticed. "Wait, Scott, not here!" His protests fell on deaf ears, no one paying any attention to the Stilinski.

Allison and Lydia stood close to each other, the fear evident in their eyes. Neither was sure what was going on, but the guys' reaction definitely had them worried. "What was that? Scott, what was that?" Allison tried to talk to her boyfriend, but he was too busy trying to barricade them in.

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