Chapter 8

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The rest of the day flew by uneventful. When me and Blake stepped out of the school doors, I took a deep breath. I was relieved to have finished my first day of school. I was also nervous because Brett said him and the boys were going to watch me fight tonight. I had tried to protest, but he insisted that he wanted to make sure no one hurt me too bad. I dropped the subject as I realized that he was serious. Blake, Brett and the boys had followed me around everywhere today. Everytime a guy would stare at me, Brett would growl his weird growl which earned a glare from me and a curious look from Blake. At first I had thought it was weird and annoying, but now I think of it as funny. Even the dark headed and the other guys were acting protective over me, which confused me more.

As we walked to the car, all of the guys turn to me like they were about to say something, but I beat them to it. It was weird that I didn't even know their names yet, besides Derek.
"So I was wondering what all of your names are so I don't have to keep calling you all the 'the guys', even though I probably will still do that. There are definitely too many of you," I said while putting the finger quotes even though I am probably still going to call them "the guys". Just then, Brett smiled, and when he did, my stomach did somersaults.

He went down the line of the seven guys and named them, "Derek, Caleb, Mark, Dillon, Cam, Michael and finally Tyler," he finished with a smile at me. When he finished, he stopped beside me and our arms brushed. I could tell he did it on purpose because he brushed his fingers against mine like he was going to hold my hand, but instead he dropped his hand. As soon as his skin touched mine, my arm spread its shivers throughout my body. I looked over to see Brett shiver but had a smirk on his beautiful face as if he knew what his touch does to me.

I ignored everything Brett was making me feel, and turned back to the other guys just as Blake spoke up, "So, Kat what time do you want us to be at the Buzz?"

I thought for a moment then came up with a time, "How about ten. That way we have about thirty minutes for me to warm up?" I asked to see if that was a good time. They all nodded and headed towards their cars. I waved goodbye to Blake then turned to Brett.

"I'll see you at the Buzz, Beautiful," and with a heated look, he was gone. This was going to be an interesting night.

Sorry this is such a short chapter. Tomorrows chapter will be better. :) :) :)

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