Chapter 22

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My eyes popped open, and my scream was let loose. I looked down at my forearm to see a werewolf latched to it. He pulled away and licked at the blood on the bite wound.

He bit me. He freaking bit me. What a great way to wake up.

"Get away from me!" I yelled. I tried to move my arms and legs to get up, but someone tied them to the chair. The werewolf moved closer, pulling my attention to him. I tried to move farther away from him, but it was no use, seeing as my binds held me in place. The werewolf suddenly sat down and he looked like he was laughing. I sneered at him.

Suddenly the door to the basement that I was in burst open. In walked two men, one I thought I would never see in this predicament.


He had a smirk on his face like he knew something I didn't. Betrayal burned in my throat and I suddenly had the urge to rip him apart. I wanted him to pay for what he helped do. I let him into my house near my family, near everybody I loved. I looked at the other man and noticed the familiar face of the man who kidnapped me. I wouldn't mind putting a bullet through his face either. All of a sudden the werewolf in front of me started to shift back. He was kneeled down with his head down. And he was stark naked. He stood up and I looked away. He laughed a deep sinister laugh. I looked back to see that he had sweats on but had a bare torso.

He looked very familiar, like I had seen him somewhere. He was as big as a giant.

Then it hit me. I fought him at the buzz. He was the werewolf that messed up my shoulder. He was Blaze.

"What do you want from me?" I snarled.

"Well, since you beat me that night at the Buzz, I have been planning a way to get revenge on you. I even had my human friend spy on you even before you fought me. You may know him. Originally I had my eyes on you in hopes of turning you into my mate. Then I learned of your mate. That's when I sent Hale to that nice little family dinner. Looks like your arm is doing better," he finished. Bile climbed my throat as I thought about being his mate.

"Looks like your wrist healed fast," I said with hatred. His eyes flashed, and suddenly my head snapped to the right and my cheek stung from his slap. I tasted the irony of blood and realized my lip was busted in the process. I spit it out onto the grimy floor.

"In case your unaware, I'm the one in charge here. Have you ever heard of a human turning into werewolf from a werewolf bite?" He stated and started to walk in front of me with his hands behind his back. His words made my blood run cold. I was speechless. I looked at the bite on my arm.

"Well, it's possible. And I still plan on you being my mate, and by the looks of it, he hasn't put his mark on you yet," he continued, pointing to my neck. "You will be my mate, but because I cannot have a human mate, I bit you. Your little mate though, will die in front of you as punishment for beating me in the ring."

"No!" I screamed trying harder to get out of this damn chair.

"Yes, my darling. And on the next full moon, you will have your first shift. And we will mate."

I wanted to throw up. He's going to kill Brett. I'm going to be a werewolf, and I might never see my mother again. What has my life come to. I wanted to cry and scream. A few tears slipped down my face. The main emotion running through my veins and body was anger. My sweet and deadly anger.

I simply looked him in the eyes and stated, "When I get out of this chair, me and my mate will rip you apart." He simply laughed, and he walked out followed by his two goons, one I was sure to rip a new one when I got out of this fucking chair. They walked out and left me to scream until my lungs burned along with this damn bite. Brett will be here, and by then I will be out of this chair.

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