Chapter 6

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They laugh at me and chest bump.
"Are you kidding me? You just roasted someone!! Ohhhh wait, you're silvers, and I'm just a hybrid apparently. I didn't even know that until like.... Two months ago? Maybe four months ago so who is more dangerous. Me or you?" I smirk at them, and turn on my heel leaving them in my room. I turn off the cameras as I go to the garden.

It is so nice to have this ability. I mean, I can just turn cameras off, create energy, and most of all. I can use my powers right out of my hands, and I sure as hell beat every other girl in what I call.....I-i actually don't know. Hahaha. Ok ok that got a little cocky. Hahaha. Gosh mare you sound just like Evegline. Wait what!? What am I talking about! You're Lady Mareena Titanos now, you are a dangerous 16 year old women who can easily kill someone with just a snap of her fingers.....And has some ideas about who that would be...I mean come on.

As I enter the garden all of the other Queenstrial girls are here. When they noticed my presence I smile at them I say hi to a few and waved to a couple I hear snickering griping some curse at my name some spit out my name others probably plan my deathbed but they all know that I am under the protection of king Tiberius Cal and Maven. I'm sure even Elara has my deathbed planned just waiting to seep in my brain and kill me slowly. Laughing as I suffer under her ability and then she snaps my neck, but I do know that Cal will protect me. But then again, Cals real mother queen Coriane had four miscarriages and finally had Cal. He gave me an entire lecture about it, I'm surprised even knows about it then again his father was absolutely in love with her because they skipped Queenstrial.

What a wonderful love story I wish I had that but I don't. It really sucks when I think about it. I'm just a stupid red blood that everyone despises. No one wants a red and silver blood mix taking over the queen the crown they don't want to a red queen or a crown go to red all at all. But I have a bad feeling that I will be the next queen I don't want to be the next queen.

I am already hated enough and I don't want Evegline to kill me and she hasn't tried yet but you never know I start training with the Royal families next week hopefully I won't die and they will see the truth about me but now I am known to be Marina  Titanos from the long-lost the weather Interpreter house....

"Ahem." Someone interrupts my thoughts. I whirl around nearly tripping over my dress. I look at the face directly and nearly fall over. Evegline. She stares at me smirking. "Got something to tell me that you aren't telling me about? 'Cause it really Sean's like it right now."

"I have nothing to hide from you except a wonderful friendship with Prince Cal and Maven. I don't have anything against you. I have a friendship with them and that is all." I smile at her politely and wait for her to reply to me.

"Excuse me? You have a friendship with them? How so? You're just an ugly, worthless, horrible, nasty, red pile of shit. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to hangout with my future husband, Cal. Have a wonderful day. Bitch." She laughs, spits at my feet and turns around. I stare after her my sparks calling  I flee, but I hold tight with them. I hold back the urge to scream and curse her name. When she is gone I quickly go back to my newly replenished room and slam the door behind me. I flip onto my bed and grab a pillow. I smother my screams of anger and agony.

I feel like I'm slowly dying when I feel her snatch my mind quickly. I scream again in agonizing pain. Instead of my screams being smothered into silence they echo through the entire palace. I try to push her out of my mind.....I keep feeling her try to latch onto my nerve system but I resist. I hear my door open and she throws me across the room. I watch as someone grabs a hold of me   My breathe catches and my throats clamps shut on me. I open my mouth to scream but....silenced over welms me. Then all of the sudden I'm released from her grasp. As soon as I can gasp for air I take in as much as I can. I look up to see who has wrapped up in their arms. Maven.

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