I'll Walk You Home (Gerard Way x Reader)

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The year is set to early 2000. Way before MCR broke up. You are around 19 to 23 years old.

You were walking home and it was really late at night. You had to work overtime. The reason, you were filling in for one of your coworkers.

It was passed midnight. The streets were eerie and empty. You shivered at the cold air. You heard a trash can from a nearby alleyway fall over and rapid footsteps.

Your heart races and you began sprinting in the direction of your home. The anonymous footsteps picked up the pace and were catching up quickly.

You made a big mistake by turning into an alleyway. "Shit.." You mumbled when you came to a dead end. You could see the silhouette of the one chasing you.

They approached you. You began to scream and covered yourself with your arms. "Hey! Calm down! Y/n! Stop screaming!!" They shouted, lightly grabbing your arms.

That's voice! You thought. You stopped screaming and slowly looked up. You were met with familiar black hair and eyeliner.

Your eyes widen in surprise. "G-Gerard?!" I say. He loosens his grip and gives you a goofy smile. Almost immediately, you captured him in a bear hug.

He couldn't exactly hug back because you had his arms pinned to his sides. "Dude! I've missed you so much!" You say to the emo singer.

"I've missed you too, y/n! I can tell you've gotten much stronger since the last time we met." He said. "Oops." You mutter, letting him go.

"So what are you doing in (hometown)?" You asked. "When's the last time you went online? My Chemical Romance is touring all over (state or country you live in)!

When we dropped you back off here, you never gave me your number or email so I had no way to contact you. So I figured if we toured here, I'd get the chance to see you again."

Gerard explained. Your eyes widened and you put your hand over mouth. He and all of My Chemical Romance came all this way, touring here in (country or state) just to see you again??!!

Last year, you and your best friend, (friend's name), were groupies for the hardcore band and you two traveled with them. In doing so, you became close friends with Gerard.

After about eight months, you wanted to go home. You missed your hometown and you had gotten really sick and had left your insurance card behind.

Gerard and the others were all pretty sad about you leaving, especially Gerard. You hadn't seen him in a year. But he was able to arrange this tour so he could see you again.

Tears built up in the corners of your eyes. He smiled at you with a look of expectation. "So? You happy to see me or what?" He asked. "Are you kidding me?! I'm fucking overjoyed!!!"

I squealed and jumped into another hug. This time Gerard was able to hug you back. It felt so nice to be in his arms. You smiled up at him and he smiled back.

Though, it was a very awkward smile. Sure Gerard smiles a lot when he and the guys are goofing around, but it's sometimes hard for him to smile a genuine smile of pure happiness.

Then it came to you. A question you really need to ask him. "So... How come you're out so late at night?" You asked as he let go of you. Gerard raised an eyebrow at you.

"I could be asking you the same thing." He said. You smiled and rolled your eyes. "I had to work overtime. Now, why are you out so late?" You replied/asked.

Gerard simply shrugged. "I was bored at the hotel." He replied. You giggled slightly. He's such a goof! You thought to yourself. "Well..." You started, scratching the back of your head as you tried to think of something to say.

"I'm so relieved that it was you chasing me. I mean, this isn't really a safe neighborhood. Scared the crap out of me though." You said. Now Gerard was the one nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, sorry. I just saw you and got a little excited." He said. "Yeah, one of my coworkers was playing hooky so I had to fill in for him. It's really creepy walking around at night. But at least I got to see you!"

You say. Gerard perked up. "Yeah. Good thing it was me and not some rapist or killer." He said, shrugging with a goofy smile. You lightly punched his shoulder. "Hey!" He giggled.

"Not funny, man." You said, crossing your arms. Gerard pulled off his best innocent smile. Your face lightened up a little. He kept smiling. You then broke.

You couldn't stay mad at Gerard when he had that adorable look. You started to giggle lightly. God damn it! "Come on." Gerard suddenly said. You looked at him confused.

"Um... Where are we going?" You asked. "You said it yourself, this is a bad neighborhood. Come on, I'll walk you home." He said, taking your hand and leading you out of the alleyway.

You blushed and looked down as the emo singer walked on with your hand in his. You never would admit it, but ever since you and your best friend became My Chemical Romance's groupies, you had a crush on Gerard.

Just holding his hand made your face flustered. But you also felt very safe. You pointed out the direction of where you live and you and Gerard had an easy time finding your home.

Right now, you both were standing outside of your (house/apartment). "Thanks for walking me home." You said. "Hey, no problem. It was great seeing you. I'm in town for a few more weeks. Maybe we can hang out.

Preferably when it's daytime." Gerard said. "Definitely! And it was nice seeing you too, man. Here." You replied. You gently grabbed his wrist and made the palm of his hand face up.

You took out a sharpie marker from your work uniform and began to write something down on his palm. "What's this?" He asked, looking at his hand when you finished. "It's my cell phone number.

Now you can get ahold of me whenever." Gerard smiled a little. "Yes!" He silently cheered, but his whispers were still loud enough for you to hear.

You giggled to yourself. Dork. Gerard reached into his pocket and handed you something. It was a small rectangular paper. "Here. I'll let you have this free of charge. But don't tell anybody."

He said. With what little light there was, you saw it was a ticket to his next concert! It was this weekend too! "O-oh my god!" You muttered. "I really hope you can make it." Said Gerard.

"I-I'll be there!" You said excitedly. "Great! Well. I should probably get back to the hotel. Let you sleep. I'll text you tomorrow." He said, giving you one last hug. You smiled and hugged back.

"Um... Gerard? I-I know this will sound weird, but. I mean, i-it's just that. Ever since (friend's name) moved out of here. Um. Well I guess. But anyways, it's been hard for me to sleep at night.

And um. Could you maybe spend the night here? Just this once?" You asked, not looking at him. You gasped when you feel Gerard kiss your forehead. That got your attention.

"Of course. The hotel room isn't very comfortable. Seeing as though this one doesn't have a penthouse." Gerard agreed. You were a million shades of red.

You led Gerard in and let him sleep in (friend's name) old bedroom. Before going to sleep, Gerard pecked your lips. "Goodnight, y/n!~"

[a/n] WHELP!!!! That took me literally all day! There will be a continuation of this one shot, but just not right away. Thanks so much for reading this and sorry if I got Gerard Way's personality wrong. Thanks again, and as always, I will see YOU in the next update! BUH-BYE!!!

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